Friday, September 4, 2020
Biography of Richard Millhouse Nixon Essay -- American Presidents Biog
Account of Richard Millhouse Nixon Richard Millhouse Nixon, 37th leader of the United States (1969-1972) was conceived on January 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, California. Nixon was one of the most disputable government officials of the twentieth century. He manufactured his political profession on the socialist alarm of the late forties and mid fifties, however as president he accomplished dã ©tente with the Soviet Union and opened relations with the People's Republic of China. His organization happened during the household changes welcomed on by the social equality development and the Vietnam War. He was reappointed in 1972 by a staggering edge, however under two years after the fact, he had to turn into the primary man to leave the administration in the midst of the outrage and disgrace of Watergate. He arranged a troublesome political rebound in 1968, after purportedly resigning from legislative issues, and before an incredible finish, he had shed a portion of the scourge of Watergate and was again a regarded senior le gislator, to a great extent in light of his record on international strategy. He passed on February 22, 1994. His compositions incorporate three self-portraying works, Six Crises (1962), RN: the Memoirs of Richard Nixon (1978), and In the Arena (1990). Early Political Career Nixon originated from a southern-California Quaker family, where difficult work and honesty were profoundly established and intensely underlined. Continuously a decent understudy, he was welcomed by Harvard and Yale to apply for grants, yet his more seasoned sibling's disease and the Depression made his essence up close and personal fundamental, and he was gone to close by Whittier College, where he graduated second in his group in 1934. He went on to graduate school at Duke University, where his reality and assurance won him the moniker Melancholy Gus. He graduated third in his group and went after positions with both enormous Northeastern law offices and the FBI His applications were completely dismissed, in any case, and he had to return home to southern California, where his mom found him a line of work at a companion's neighborhood law office. At the flare-up of World War Two, Nixon went to work quickly for the tire-apportioning area the Office of Price Administration in Washington, DC, and after eight months, he joined the Navy and was sent to the Pacific as a gracefully official. He was mainstream with his men, and such a cultivated poker player, that he had the option to send enough of his confidants in-arms' cash back home to help support his fir... ...he man he had selected to supplant Spiro Agnew as Vice-President. Not long after taking office Ford conceded Nixon an acquittal for any violations he may have submitted as president. In contrast to a portion of his helpers, Nixon never went to prison. In the wake of leaving the administration, Nixon tried to depict himself as a senior legislator. He distributed and five books on US international strategy: The Real War (1980), Real Peace (1983), No More Vietnams (1985), 1999: Victory without War (1988), Seize the Moment (1992), and Beyond Peace (1994). By the 1990s, a great part of the embarrassment had been overlooked, and Nixon was again hailed as a virtuoso of international strategy and flippantly viewed as a potential Republican presidential up-and-comer. Shirts and bumperstickers seemed bearing the adage He's tan, he's refreshed, and he's prepared: Nixon in '92. References Aitken, Jonathan. Nixon, A Life. Regnery Publishing, 1993 Ambrose, Stephen E. Nixon : The Education of a Politician, 1913-1962. Simon and Schuster, 1988. Genovese, Michael A. The Nixon Presidency: Power and Politics in Turbulent Times. Greenwood Press, 1990 Hoff-Wilson, Joan. Nixon Reconsidered. BasicBooks, 1994. WGBH Boston. Nixon (videorecording). PBS Video, 1990.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Advertising media industry Essay Example for Free
Promoting media industry Essay I am understudy in a work arrangement organization called STG Media Corporation, an organization which commits their crucial vision in giving responsible publicizing arrangements. In my multi week position here in the enterprise, I took in a ton and found that nothing beats close by involvement with working. Week One (give date) It was seven days of expectation, stress and learning. How can one individual arrangement with work position? The main day was devoted with meeting the official staff, the working staff, and prologue to what the organization is. STG Media Corp. is an intriguing work position office. I found out about the organization through one of my companions and I believed that working for a media organization will be so incredible; much to my dismay that it is a great deal troublesome. The main thing that surfaced in my brain when STG Media Corp. was referenced is that it is only a promoting organization. Yet, it is extraordinary. The organization subtleties their administration in the idea of responsible promoting, in which they refine print publicizing media in setting of the 21st century need. As a correspondence understudy, this was starting to stress me. After the essential day of presentation, I become more acquainted with progressively about the organization and the idea that it isn't the customary sort of promoting office made me overpowered with the activity and the condition in the work place. This week, I was assigned to the Print Media Research, print Media Planning and Market Analysis of one of the companyââ¬â¢s customer. The organization of a marked games drink is asking STG Media Corp. to assist them with the publicizing advancement in one of the new items they will dispatch in around 5 months time. The principal thing I did was to meet the games drink organization delegate about the idea of their organization. I went to their office was so restless to do the meeting that I neglected to bring my recorder, which is considered as one of the incredible mix-ups before doing a meeting, coming ill-equipped. Be that as it may, the beneficial thing is, I did the meeting admirably. I was given the set inquiries of STG Media Corp., questions that are required to be asked to the customer, and all through the meeting, I embedded a portion of the inquiries I believed myself to have the option to get a decent measure of reality for the organization. As unpracticed as I am in working for the organization, one of the best aptitude I learned is to impart successfully and fortunately I am ready to do that with this meeting. During the week, one of the extraordinary difficulties I confronted was contributing the essential data of the companyââ¬â¢s customer to their database called the Print Media Buying System. The PMBS which is the companyââ¬â¢s own database produces itemized statistical surveying, examination reports representing all angles, for example, segment data, purchasing patterns and other print media proposals. I truly looked for trouble this time as since I was not familiar with the sort of innovation they utilized in the specific framework. Yet, later I got its hang and was complimented for a vocation all around done in gathering data from the customer. Week 2 (give date) Before the work arrangement started, I was informed that I will be working all day in one of the companyââ¬â¢s adventure with a well known games drink brand. I imagined that would be simple since I donââ¬â¢t need to do the various work, however the tested I before long discovered during the subsequent week is that the procedure of STG Media Corp. as a promoting specialist is a procedure to which numerous means are taken. This week I am a piece of the Creative Team assigned by the organization to enable the games to drink brand. In spite of the fact that I should be certain that I was only a piece of the group, doing modest occupation that the experts are entrusted to do. I learned one extraordinary thing about the print media industry, 75% of promotion fall flat due to powerless innovative and non-convincing advertisement duplicate. Itââ¬â¢s genuine that one of the qualities of an incredible brand isn't simply with its quality, yet through thorough and successful publicizing that they make. Before working here, I imagined that organizations just promote for publicizing, yet organizations do pay attention to this system very. On the third day of this current week, I was approached to see one print advertisement for five seconds during one of the gatherings of the Creative Team. They asked me inquiries thoroughly, regardless of whether it be founded on the appearance or the substance. I addressed them honestly and notice the things that I would by and by consider the promotion on the off chance that I was only a typical customer taking a gander at the commercial. A few times, the Team will press and contend their focuses with me, however everything was credited to introducing a superior ad for the customer. During this week, as amateurish to accept the job of being a sponsor advisor, I was set in the situation of the buyer, the Teamââ¬â¢s perspective on the things they understand about the brand and how they can successfully move toward functioning for the customer. I truly felt like my thoughts were regarded and included to the Creative Teamââ¬â¢s investigation of the item. This week, I likewise was alright with the working environment. I know about the various representatives and get the chance to have little talks with them through a few breaks. Its intriguing how some of them had accepted I am a piece of the Creative Team when truth be told; I am only an understudy on work arrangement.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Employee Performance Essay
The strategies introduced here are intended to create components and guidelines that measure representative and work unit achievements as opposed to developâ other measures that are frequently utilized in assessing execution, for example, estimating practices or skills. Despite the fact that this handbook incorporates a conversation of the significance of adjusting measures, the primary center introduced here is to quantify achievements. Therefore, a significant part of the data introduced in the initial five stages of this eightstep procedure applies when bosses and workers need to quantify results. Be that as it may, the material introduced in Steps 6 through 8 about creating guidelines, observing execution, and checking the presentation plan apply to all estimation draws near. A HANDBOOK FOR MEASURING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE foreword The handbook has four parts and three reference sections: â ⢠CHAPTER 1 gives the foundation and setting of execution the executives that you should comprehend before starting the eight-advance procedure. â ⢠CHAPTER 2 characterizes achievements, which is vital to utilizing this handbook effectively. â ⢠CHAPTER 3 incorporates a nitty gritty portrayal of the eight-advance procedure for creating representative execution designs that are lined up with and bolster authoritative objectives. â ⢠CHAPTER 4 gives study devices, including a followup test and a brisk reference for the eight-advance procedure. â ⢠THE APPENDICES contain model norms that were composed explicitly for examination programs that assess execution on components at five, three, and two levels. Subsequent to perusing the instructional material, examining the models, and finishing the activities in this book, you ought to have the option to: â ⢠DEVELOP a presentation plan that adjusts singular execution to hierarchical goalsâ â ⢠USE an assortment of techniques to decide work unit and individualâ accomplishments â ⢠DETERMINE the distinction among exercises and achievements â ⢠EXPLAIN administrative necessities for representative execution plans P E R F O R M A N C E M A N A G E M E N T: B A C K G R O U N D A N D C O N T E X T emember the tale about the credulous understudy in his first English writing course who was concerned in light of the fact that he didnââ¬â¢t know what exposition was? At the point when he discovered that exposition was conventional discourse, he shouted, ââ¬Å"Wow! Iââ¬â¢ve been talking writing all my life!â⬠Managing execution well resembles talking composition. Numerous chiefs have been ââ¬Å"speakingâ⬠and rehearsing powerful execution the board normally the entirety of their administrative lives, yet donââ¬â¢t know it! A few people erroneously expect that exhibition the board is concerned uniquely with following administrative necessities to assess and rate execution. All things considered, appointing evaluations of record is just a single piece of the general procedure (and maybe the least significant part). Execution the executives is the efficient procedure of: â ⢠arranging work and setting desires â ⢠constantly checking execution â ⢠building up the ability to perform â ⢠intermittently appraising execution in an outline design â ⢠remunerating great execution The corrections made in 1995 to the governmentwide execution examination and grants guidelines support ââ¬Å"naturalâ⬠execution the executives. Incredible consideration was taken to guarantee that the prerequisites those guidelines set up would supplement and not struggle with the sorts of exercises and activities successful supervisors are rehearsing as per normal procedure. Execution MANAGEMENT: BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT Arranging In a viable association, work is arranged out ahead of time. Arranging implies defining execution desires and objectives for gatherings and people to channel their endeavors toward accomplishing hierarchical targets. Getting representatives associated with the arranging procedure will assist them with understanding the objectives of the association, what should be done, why it should be done, and how well it ought to be finished. The administrative necessities for arranging employeesââ¬â¢ execution incorporate building up the components and norms of their exhibition evaluation plans. Execution components and principles ought to be quantifiable, reasonable, obvious, fair, and reachable. Through basic components, representatives are considered responsible as people for work assignments or duties. Representative execution plans ought to be adaptable with the goal that they can be balanced for changing project targets and work prerequisites. At the point when utilized successfully, these plans can be advantageous working archives that are talked about regularly, and not simply desk work that is documented in a cabinet and seen just when appraisals of record are required. Observing In a powerful association, assignments and activities are checked constantly. Checking admirably implies reliably estimating execution and giving continuous input to representatives and work bunches on their advancement toward arriving at their objectives. The administrative prerequisites for observing execution incorporate leading advancement audits with representatives where their presentation is analyzed against their components and gauges. Continuous observing gives the director the chance to check how well workers are satisfying foreordained guidelines and to make changes to ridiculous or hazardous norms. By checking consistently, managers can recognize unsuitable execution whenever during the evaluation time frame and give help to address such execution instead of hold up until the finish of the period when rundown rating levels are allocated. MEASURE WHAT IS IMPORTANTââ¬NOT WHAT IS EASY TO MEASURE It is anything but difficult to tally the quantity of days since a venture started, however in the event that that is all that you measure, is that enough data to evaluate execution? No, most likely not. Or on the other hand if, for instance, a client care group just estimates the quantity of calls that come into the group (the simple measure) and doesn't endeavor to quantify consumer loyalty with its administration (the more troublesome measure), the group doesn't have total data about its exhibition and has no clue about how well it is serving its clients. What's more, since what completes estimated gets, the group will likely concentrate on how it can expand the quantity of calls it gets and disregard the nature of administration it gives. Thus, associations need to foresee the social and unintended outcomes of estimating execution. For instance, as of late a clinical research center experienced harsh criticism due to the blunders it verified its disease tests. A high number of malignant growth tests that the research facility had affirmed as negative ended up being wrongââ¬cancer had really been
What is High Stakes Writing Low Stakes Writing Article
What is High Stakes Writing Low Stakes Writing - Article Example Then again, low-stakes composing is composing exercises which are casual in nature and in evaluating. The goals of instructors for giving low stakes composing assignments are to energize dynamic contribution of the understudies in the course through short articles written in the studentsââ¬â¢ own words. Through this technique, educators would quickly decide the extent of the studentsââ¬â¢ comprehension of the modules and empower the instructors to promptly address any worry. Instances of low stakes composing assignments are dynamic composition, rundowns, title texts, summarizing works out, definitions, articles, letter works, and response papers, among others. (The Center for Teaching Excellence 11) Elbow affirmed that low stakes composing urges understudies to investigate different settings of the course materials to sharpen their aptitudes. This sort of composing gives chances to understudies to learn outside the homeroom. Their exploration and information gathering aptitudes are improved. They likewise figure out how to absorb course materials with the outer data accumulated for the article necessity. Then again, high stakes composing can be exceptionally distressing for understudies looking at that as a significant bit of their general imprint relies upon this task. At a similar token, significant pressure is likewise positioned in the hands of the educators who might review these high stakes composing a task. At last, these are not feasible for huge classes thinking about the quantity of understudies to review for the necessity. (1) Low stakes composing, despite what might be expected, make an increasingly loosened up environment for learning because of its casual nature and evaluating. Understudies are urged to voice their conclusions and bits of knowledge in their own words; accordingly allowing the educators the chance to effortlessly decide whether theâ students completely comprehend the ideas and speculations imparted.â
Friday, August 21, 2020
Letter Writing Etiquette
Letter Writing Etiquette A letter that is elegantly composed is getting increasingly hard to track down. Slang, PC email-language and awful punctuation have moved in and turn out to be natural in our method of composing. Continuously recall that when composing a letter your words can't be reclaimed once sent. Individuals frequently state or get things done without really thinking dependent on feeling and letter composing is the same. Similarly as one may leave a contention to chill off or thoroughly consider things before reacting, one needs to likewise put a letter down and hold up before sending it. Ensure you set aside the effort to peruse what has been composed before really placing it via the post office. Letter composing behavior is one of the most important exercises an individual can learn in their lives. You may state itââ¬â¢s only a lot of words on paperâ⬠¦well, when a letter shows up at its goal it might be the main impression the peruser gets of you. Similarly as with whatever else, itââ¬â¢s essential to give the peruser a decent image of who you are through your composition. This is the reason letter composing behavior is actually a basic instrument for everybody to know. Regardless of what sort of letter you are composing, whether itââ¬â¢s an individual or a business letter, letter composing decorum applies to the two sorts. The principal thing you need to do is to offer idea to your composition. Consider cautiously how you need to go over to the beneficiary of your letter. Utilize appropriate wording to communicate your considerations or emotions. Commonly a letter can be brought pull out sometime in the not too distant future, as confirmation of your character and it might really be a consequence of composing under pressure or outrageous feeling. Not an impression of who you really are. In this way, before composing, write down thoughts and contemplations at that point form them into sentences and sections. Once youââ¬â¢ve done this, set it aside and read it again following a couple of hours or days before you really send it via the post office. So as to make your composing simple for the peruser to follow, letter composing behavior proposes writing in a specific request. Start toward the start of your story or issue and go ahead from that point. Donââ¬â¢t hop around from the present to past and back once more. This confounds your perusers and hurls them from what you are attempting to let them know. Make your introduction understood and straightforward. Remain with shorter sentences and utilize clear words to pass on your significance. Following great letter composing behavior will shield you from sounding wordy and dull. It will keep the peruser intrigued and perusing rapidly through the paper to discover the completion. Another piece of letter composing behavior that can't be overlooked is punctuation. At the point when you permit linguistic mistakes to fill a page, youââ¬â¢ll occupy the peruser. Each time they read across something that is syntactically off-base, their cerebrum will stop and spotlight on what just looks wrong. Intellectually their cerebrum will take note of this blunder and it removes them from the genuine point that you might be attempting to get across in your letter. In the event that a letter is brimming with syntactic mistakes, at that point you risk losing your peruser totally. They may quit perusing before they ever get to the end where you may have some significant end proclamations for them. Letter composing decorum is something that everybody should make time to learn. Sending letters is an augmentation of indicating whom we are and terrible punctuation and composing will just show the perusers that you are one that doesnââ¬â¢t should be paid attention to. That, yet a letter sent out of resentment loaded with abuse and dangers will just serve to show you in a negative light that can be utilized against you at whenever. Set aside the effort to learn great letter composing decorum. Youââ¬â¢ll find that it will prove to be useful commonly in your life.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
One more baby blogger
One more baby blogger The new baby bloggers were introduced about a month ago, but I have one more to bring you. She doesnât actually have a name, and she definitely doesnât have a coherent point of view or an extensive blogging resume â" strictly speaking, she hasnât actually been born yet. Sheâs my daughter, and as far as I know, sheâs the first of Blogger Generation 2.0. When I got engaged to her dad in Killian Court the summer after senior year, I am pretty sure I remember Ben Jones (the original Petey) promising me that our kids could go to MIT, so I am just going to go ahead and hold everybody in the admissions office to that vague decade-old promise, ok, great, thanks. She is already pretty excited about science, at least if I go by the frequency of kicks to my ribcage during my physiology lectures, and she owns onesies saying âMITâ, âFuture Scientistâ, and âBorn to Flyâ. (Letâs just say thereâs a disagreement between me and her dad about whether sheâs going to be a scientist or an engineer.) And I have seen her brain on the ultrasound, and it is already quite gyrified, so Iâm comfortable saying sheâs a pretty smart cookie. She will also be coming with me to do interviews for my first season as an EC (I mean, like, inside my torso; sheâs not due until after the deadline to contact your EC), so if youâre applying from the south San Francisco Bay Area, contact your EC now, because you might get to have an EC plus a bonus fractional EC! EDIT: Also, Chris wants me to add that the my husband is engaging in extremely unfair practices to sway her to the engineering side, namely that he has purchased a Star Wars landspeeder and modded it with Crazy Cart parts so that it will drift and go faster and do all kinds of things that are unsafe for a child/baby/fetus. But it does look pretty cool.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Genres of E-Commerce Online Transaction of Businesses - 825 Words
Genres of E-Commerce: Online Transaction of Businesses (1960-Present) (Coursework Sample) Content: E-COMMERCEStudents NameClassDate IntroductionE-commerce refers to the online transaction of businesses. It involves purchase and sales that are facilitated by the internet. Online shopping is, however, not restricted to sales and purchases only. There are many forms in which e-commerce take place, for example, in electronic payment, online auctions, online ticketing and banking.Genres of E-commerceClassification of e-commerce is done basing on the participants in a transaction. Business -Business e-commerce occurs when the parties transacting are traders, retailers, or manufacturers. Business-consumer is a situation that occurs when a business enterprise sells to the consumer electronically. Consumer-consumer e-commerce is a modern form of barter trade. Individuals who are not in the business industry trade what they have but do not need to get what they lack. An example is the online auctioning transaction.Development of e-commerceSince the introduction of e-commer ce approximately forty years ago, massive development has taken place. New development and technology are responsible for the development being experienced in the online transaction sector. The comfortably of people engaging in e-commerce has also improved a lot with many people embracing it as a safe and convenient mode of business transaction.1960-1982The development of Electronic Data Interchange is believed to have-paved way for the establishment of e-commerce. With the aid of EDI data transfer through computers replaced faxing and mailing of documents. The innovation saw many traders preferring to send invoices and orders using data format in computers. Online shopping developed from Michael Aldrich idea of connecting a television to a computer used for processing transactions that had a telephone and named it as teleshopping.1982-1990France launched the Mintel in the year 1982. It allowed internet services to use videoptex terminal devices accessed via telephones lines. The m intel freely telephoned subscribers and therefore, connected many users to a computing system. The thriving of the mintel ceased after the discovery of the internet after three years.1990- Present Tim Berner Lee together with Robert Cailliau proposed an idea to mould a Hypertext project which they called the worldwide web. Later in the year, Lee made the first ever web server by the use of a NexTcomputer after which he went ahead to write a web browser. In 1991, he declared his innovations available to the public. The linking of the hypertext with the internet led to the development of HTML, URL, and HTTP. the National Science Foundation laid the threshold for online shopping the same year by lifting the restriction on commercial utilization of the NET. However, people were still reluctant in engaging in online shopping.Online Megastores Amazon, the worlds biggest online retailer shop, was launched as a bookstore in the year 1995. Other big entrants like eBay and yahoo followed. T he peak of online trading came with the introduction of PayPal, which facilitated easy and safe mode of transferring money online. Since then, online shopping has been on the development to being a mode that people prefer most than the other traditional modes of trading.The Future of E-commerce As the internet progressively evolves, e-commerce is expected to experience flux. There exists a huge possibility of all the other modes of trading incorporating e-commerce. People spend a lot of time online, therefore; they will prefer to conduct their shopping online. E-commerce may become the sole mode of trade in the future.ConclusionE-commerce has made life more comfortable with its facilitation of easier, time saving modes of transactions. Economic growth has been on the rise because of many people embracing online shopping. However, there have been challenges that risen as well, for example, cyber theft. However, security ...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
How US Territories, Like Puerto Rico, Obtain Statehood
The process by which U.S. territories attain full statehood is, at best, an inexact art. While Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution empowers the U.S. Congress to grant statehood, the process for doing so is not specified. Key Takeaways: U.S. Statehood Process The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to grant statehood but does not establish the process for doing so. Congress is free to determine the conditions of statehood on a case-by-case basis.According to the Constitution, a new state cannot be created by splitting or merging existing states unless both the U.S. Congress and the legislatures of the states involved approve.In most past cases, Congress has required that the people of the territory seeking statehood vote in a free referendum election, then petition the U.S. government for statehood. The Constitution merely declares that new states cannot be created by merging or splitting existing states without the approval of both the U.S. Congress and the states legislatures. Otherwise, Congress is given the authority to determine the conditions for statehood. The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United Statesâ⬠¦ ââ¬â U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 3, clause 2. Congress typically requires the territory applying for statehood to have a certain minimum population. In addition, Congress requires the territory to provide evidence that a majority of its residents favor statehood. Congress is under no constitutional obligation, however, to grant statehood, even in those territories whose population expresses a desire for statehood. The Typical Process Historically, Congress has applied the following general procedure when granting territories statehood: The territory holds a referendum vote to determine the peoples desire for or against statehood.Should a majority vote to seek statehood, the territory petitions the U.S. Congress for statehood.The territory, if it has not already done so, is required to adopt a form of government and constitution that are in compliance with the U.S. Constitution.The U.S. Congressââ¬âboth House and Senateââ¬âpass, by a simple majority vote, a joint resolution accepting the territory as a state.The President of the United States signs the joint resolution and the territory is acknowledged as a U.S. state. The process of attaining statehood can literally take decades. For example, consider the case of Puerto Rico and its attempt to become the 51st state. Puerto Rico Statehood Process Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory in 1898 and people born in Puerto Rico have automatically been granted full U.S. citizenship since 1917 by an act of Congress. In 1950, the U.S. Congress authorized Puerto Rico to draft a local constitution. In 1951, a constitutional convention was held in Puerto Rico to draft the constitution.In 1952, Puerto Rico ratified its territorial constitution establishing a republican form of government, which was approved by the U.S. Congress as being ââ¬Å"not repugnantâ⬠to the U.S. Constitution and the functional equivalent of a valid state constitution. Then things like the Cold War, Vietnam, September 11, 2001, the Wars on Terror, the great recession and lots of politics put Puerto Ricoââ¬â¢s statehood petition on Congressââ¬â¢ back burner for over 60 years.à On November 6, 2012, the territorial government of Puerto Rico held a two-question public referendum vote on petitioning for U.S. statehood. The first question asked voters whether Puerto Rico should continue to be a U.S. territory. The second question asked voters to choose from among the three possible alternatives to territorial statusââ¬âstatehood, independence, and nationhood in free association with the United States. In the vote count, 61% of the voters chose statehood, while only 54% voted to retain territorial status.In August 2013, a U.S. Senate committee heard testimony on Puerto Ricoââ¬â¢s 2012 statehood referendum vote and acknowledged that the majority of the Puerto Rican people had ââ¬Å"expressed their opposition to continuing the current territorial status.â⬠On February 4, 2015, Puerto Ricoââ¬â¢s Resident Commissioner in the U.S. House of Representatives Pedro Pierluisi, introduced the Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Process Act (H.R. 727). The bill a uthorizes Puerto Ricoââ¬â¢s State Elections Commission to hold a vote on Puerto Ricos admission into the Union as a state within one year after the Acts enactment. If a majority of the votes cast are for Puerto Ricos admission as a state, the bill requires the president of the United States to issue a proclamation to begin the transition process that will result in Puerto Ricos admission as a state effective January 1, 2021.On June 11, 2017, the people of Puerto Rico voted for U.S. statehood in a nonbinding referendum. Preliminary results showed that almost 500,000 ballots were cast for statehood, more than 7,600 for free association-independence, and almost 6,700 for retaining the current territorial status. Only about 23% of the islandââ¬â¢s approximately 2.26 million registered voters cast ballots, leading to statehood opponents to doubt the validity of the result. The vote, however, did not appear to be divided along party lines.Note: While Puerto Ricoââ¬â¢s resident co mmissioners to the House are allowed to introduce legislation and take part in debates and committee hearings, they are not allowed to actually vote on legislation. Similarly, nonvoting resident commissioners from the other U.S territories of American Samoa, the District of Columbia (a federal district), Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands also serve in the House. So if the U.S. legislative process eventually smiles on the Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Process Act, the entire process of transition from U.S. territory to U.S. state will have taken the Puerto Rican people over 71 years.à While some territories have significantly delayed petitioning for statehood, including Alaska (92 years) and Oklahoma (104 years), no valid petition for statehood has ever been denied by the U.S. Congress. Powers and Duties of All US States Once a territory has been granted statehood, it has all the rights, powers and duties established by the U.S. Constitution. The new state is required to elect delegates to the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.The new state has the right to adopt a state constitution.The new state is required to form legislative, executive, and state judicial branches as necessary to effectively govern the state.The new state is granted all of those governmental powers not reserved to the federal government under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Greatest Spy Of All Time - 1405 Words
Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack who did the impossible and saved his family and became the greatest spy of all time. Both of Jackââ¬â¢s parents, Heather and Vincent, were spies as well, so from a young age, he saw and learned many things that other kids his age would never learn. While many kids learned how to talk and tie the shoes by observing their parents by the time jack was thirteen he knew how to reload a gun, do stake outs, how to break into a house, as well as becoming a proficient fighter all through sitting back and witnessing his parents preform these skills while they worked *observational learning*. His parents sought to give him an ordinary life despite it being very clear from a young age that jack hand a knackâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Vincent was very thrilled to know his son was interested in following in their footsteps and continue the family legacy. However once Heather became mindful of her sons wishes she banned him from doing anything spy a ssociated. Jack knew his dreams were crumpled because his mom forbade him and out of reverence for her he had no choice but to listen *obedience*. A number of years later at the age of twenty eight Jacks lives a fairly standard life he graduated top of his class in the New York City police academy and is now the lead detective in the local police department. Furthermore Jack married his high school sweetheart Katherine and has one daughter named Jennifer. While this isnââ¬â¢t his ideal career or life choice he still fairly satisfied because he still gets to save people and stop criminals all while still obeying his motherââ¬â¢s request of having a normal life *conformity*. Jack is known for putting the biggest criminals in New York City behind bars, however due to the fact that he is so good at his job he created many enemies for himself. Stanley one of the biggest mobsters in New York was fed up with Jack constantly putting his men behind bars so in retaliation, he had a grou p of his goons break into jacks home and kidnap is a wife and child *punishment*. Jack knew that because of the influence Stanley held there wasnââ¬â¢t nothing local law enforcements could do. Instead of letting the police get involved Jack
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Christian Hell and the Greek Underworld - 2265 Words
Since ancient civilizations people have been trying to explain what goes on after death. Throughout history, many cultures have had different theories about what happens. Two distinguished ideas of where people go after death are the underworld and Hell. The idea of the underworld came from the Greeks and Romans. A few famous works by the Greeks and Romans that talk about the underworld are The Iliad, The Aeneid, and, The Odyssey. A famous work that discusses Hell is Dantes Inferno. Hell is an accepted part of the Christianity religion and taught all over the world. The two beliefs are very similar but some distinct differences can be seen. The idea of the Christian Hell has evolved from older beliefs. Originally Jews believed all deadâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦(Catholic Encyclopedia) In ancient Greek beliefs people were also judged when they were down in the underworld. At the dividing road between Tartarus, a place of torture in the underworld and the Isles of the Blest, a place for the good in the underworld, there are the Plains of Judgment. Awaiting the souls in the Plain of Judgment are Aeacus, Minos, and Rhadamanthys. These dead men, judge who goes to Tartarus, who goes to the Isles of the Blest or back to the Asphodel Fields if they were neither good or evil. These men were all sons of Zeus who were rewarded as judges in the underworld by creating the first just laws on Earth. Aeacus was king of Aegina during mortal life and was also known for making decisions for Zeus. After his death he became keeper of the keys of Hades and the judge of men of Europe in the Underworld. Minos was the King of Crete, and Rhadamanthys was his brother. They both lived in Asia during their mortal lives. After his death, Rhadamanthys became lord of the Isles of the Blest, and judge of the men of Asia. After Minos died he gained the responsibility of having the final judgment. In The Odyssey, Odysseus says And now there came before my eyes Minos, the son of Zeus, enthroned, holding a golden staff, dealing out justice among ghostly pleaders arrayed about the broad doorways of Death.. (XI. 640) The Greeks believed Minos had a lot of power in the underworld. In Roman beliefs Rhadamanthus had control over the punishments peopleShow MoreRelatedDepictions of the Afterlife1060 Words à |à 4 Pagesintrigues many. As Christians we believe that heaven is a place where believers go where life there will be a continuation of their present life, while hell is a place of judgment and punishment where many experience severe treatment. Direct experience is the only way individuals can experience these concepts, but once we obtain the experience it cannot be shared. This ultimately makes us want to know more leading many to visualize the afterlife. Starting with the ea rliest Greek Epics, such as TheRead MoreHades and the Odyssey1451 Words à |à 6 Pagesregion called the underworld, which was inhabited by the ââ¬Å"shadesâ⬠or spirits of the dead. It was also home to dethroned or exiled deities who had been overthrown by Zeus and his allies. Hades and his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, dethroned Kronos and the other Titans and then divided up earth among the three of them. Zeus reined the sky, Poseidon the sea and Hades ruled the underworld. The name ââ¬Å"Hadesâ⬠has been synonymously used for both the god of the underworld and the underworld itself. It is necessaryRead MoreThe Devil At The Dawn Of Christianity904 Words à |à 4 Pagesbore little resemblance to the ruler of hell, the antichrist and agent of evil that he is known as in present day. Satan makes few overt or implied appearances in the Old Testament. 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The OldRead MoreConcoction To Control Others.Martin Henry Shares, ââ¬Å"It Must1421 Words à |à 6 Pagesadmitted that, as regards belief in hell, specially, the future doesnââ¬â¢t look too bright, even in the judgment of mainstream theologians.â⬠So, hell has become a place of ââ¬Å"nowhere,â⬠a state of mind or being, or relegated to the ââ¬Å"here and nowâ⬠on earth. All too often, people equate sickness, financial problems, and death as hell. Doctrine of the Afterlife in the Old Testament In the ancient Hebrew writings, the concept of heaven and hell is limited to an underworld development. After burial, it wasRead MorePlatos Belief that the Human Soul is Immortal1297 Words à |à 6 PagesJesus, dying and rising again to save. It is God as he acted in history at Pentecost, descending as the Spirit to share life with the Christian church.â⬠Thus the Trinity Doctrine was born out of Platoââ¬â¢s triad. The Goodness is God; the ideas are Jesus; and the World-Spirit is the Holy Spirit. All were the same theory except reshaped in order to fit into Christian doctrine. While the divine aspects of Christianity are obviously derived from Platoââ¬â¢s theories, it is also important to discuss human natureRead MoreEssay Study Guide1115 Words à |à 5 Pagesyou fight well in battle. If you donââ¬â¢t fight well or bravely you still have a possibility of death. If you are doomed, no matter how you fight youââ¬â¢re going to die. 2. In what ways is the code by which Beowulf fights like the Greek heroic code and different? The Greek heroic code involves fighting bravely and winning honor and it is different because it applies to everyone and has a strong sense of doom. 3. Is there a good reason for Roland not to blow his horn when Oliver asks him to? NoRead MoreThe Afterlife Of Ancient Greece1955 Words à |à 8 Pages The Afterlife of the Ancient Greeks A Classical-Styled Argument Katie Vokes ENGL17889GD Jennifer Chambers December 12, 2015 The Afterlife of Ancient Greece Where do we go when we die? This is a question that most peopleââ¬âspiritual or notââ¬âask themselves at least once within their lifetime. In reality, this question is likely to never be answered, but is nevertheless an exciting area for study. Every culture, every religion and every individual person has some type of theoryRead MoreReligious And Political Conflicts In Dantes Inferno1637 Words à |à 7 Pageswhich he imagines himself led by the poet Virgil through the descending levels of Hell. The Inferno marks the first section of this trilogy, and I believe Dante uses classical Greek and Biblical references in this work, specifically in Cantos III-V, to critique the 14th century Church. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dna Profiling And The Legal System - 2099 Words
DNA Profiling In forensics, when using a DNA profile or evidence it has to follow guidelines usually given by the legal system. DNA profiling is a very powerful method used for forensic identification, and there has never been a case where two individuals have the same DNA profile. DNA is a long curved structure, made up of pairs of four specific bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine, is the repository of a code from which all of our cells are made. The code is made up of base pairs which look like the rungs of a ladder, and are joined by alternating phosphate and sugar groups, which may be compared to the ladder s sides or legs. The bases adenine and thymine form what is known as one base pair, and the bases cytosine and guanine form the second base pair. The DNA in humans carries almost one and a half billion pairs of these bases within one strand of DNA. It is the order, or sequencing of these pairs that determines what information is available for the making and repairing of our bodies. These base pairs and groups are connected to form a ribbon-like structure which curls into what is known as a double helix or spiral. The spiral form provides stability to the structure, and the sequencing pattern might be thought of as letters which combine into words that communicate the necessary information needed by the cells in order to reproduce and replenish themselves. Much of human DNA is non-coding and appears to have no purpose that has been determined at thisShow MoreRelatedDNA Profiling and Criminal Justice: Ethical and Legal Issues1079 Words à |à 4 PagesThe American system of justice is predicated on the search for justice. The emergence of DNA evidence as a source of evidence in this search has become a powerful ally for both the prosecution and defense in criminal trials and there has been no clear cut advantage gained by either side of the equation. The use of DNA evidence, often referred to as DNA profiling, has given police and prosecutors a new, and more reli able, means of identifying criminal but the cost of the procedure, the time involvedRead MoreDNA Conviction And The Truth Behind It In the world of forensic science, exoneration holds a very800 Words à |à 4 PagesDNA Conviction And The Truth Behind It In the world of forensic science, exoneration holds a very crucial role. In cases where a person has been convicted of a crime and needs to be proven innocent, exoneration plays a key part. It is what helps the court to decide in a just manner whether the crime was committed by that person or not. Exoneration is based on DNA evidence and therefore, is the most authentic. The main purpose of exoneration is to help the legal system by allowing innocent peopleRead MoreDNA Profiling Essay example1376 Words à |à 6 PagesOJ Simpson to Chandra Levy, DNA profiling also called DNA fingerprinting or DNA typing has played a major role in the criminal justice system. The law enforcement community uses DNA profiling to rule out or identify suspects. Unlike hair microscopy, bite mark comparisons, shoe print comparisons, and firearm tool mark analysis, DNA typing has been developed through massive scientific research and has undergone meticulous scientific evaluation (Innocence Project). DNA is a foolproof method of identifyingRead MoreDna Fingerprinting : Fingerprinting And Profiling1219 Words à |à 5 Pagesà à à à à à à à à à à à à DNA Fingerprinting/Profiling à à à DNA fingerprinting and profiling(DNA FP) took over the forensic world in the late 1970s. Since then, profiling has made forensics almost effortless. Profiling has evolved dramatically from the beginning stages of the replications. à à à DNA FP was invented by a man that goes by the name Alec Jeffreys. He was a British geneoligist. This process is called fingerprinting because it is highly unlikely for two people to have is for them to be identicalRead MoreRacial Profiling1215 Words à |à 5 PagesRacial Profiling within Americaââ¬â¢s Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system of America is deeply scarred with racial bias. Crimes are being committed and, in turn, are resulting with innocent people doing hard-time. Thankfully, newfound methods of appealing court rulings are finding justice for these minorities; however, the results are as shocking as the crimes being committed. When it was found that the majority of successful appeals were of minorities, the true defects of the systemRead MoreDNA in Forensics Essays785 Words à |à 4 PagesThe origins of DNA were first discovered during 1857 by Gregor Mendel the Father of Geneticsâ⬠, whom was performing an experiment of genetics with pea plants, and would provide a basic foundation towards DNA and Genetics. Friedrich Miescher and Richard Altmann in 1869 were also part of the first people to discover DNA. While testing some sperm of a salmon, they discover a strange substance that they would name as nuclein, which is known as DNA. This new form of nuclein (DNA) would be f ound toRead MoreEssay The Future Potential of DNA Fingerprinting1338 Words à |à 6 PagesPotential of DNA Fingerprinting à à à Abstract;à This paper explors the effects DNA fingerprinting has had on the trial courts and legal institutions. Judge Joseph Harris states that it is the single greatest advance in the search for truth since the advent of the cross examination (Gest, 1988). And I tend to agree with Judge Josephs assertion, but with the invention and implementation of DNA profiling and technology has come numerous problems. This paper will explore: how DNA evidence wasRead MoreA Visual Of The Mitochondrial Dna1484 Words à |à 6 Pages Figure 2. A visual of the mitochondrial DNA molecule shows where the DNA gets analyzed by forensic geneticists, the hypervariable regions 1 and 2. Figure 3. The results of the TaqMan system containing the DNA numbers from various analyzed sampled. Thesis Discussion DNA phenotyping serves to determine the physical attributes of a specific individual based off of genetic material that was left behind at a crime scene. By being able to determine physical traits such as hairRead MoreDNA Technologies 1012 Words à |à 5 PagesThe structure of DNA was discovered in 1953 and revealed to the world by James Watson and Francis Crick.1 Since then, there has been a whirlwind of activity and discovery in the fields associated with DNA. We have found that DNA is not only a set of instructions for the body, but that it also contains a lot of information about the individual who ââ¬Å"ownsâ⬠the DNA. As it is rapidly becoming cheaper and easier to process DNA, it is becoming more difficult to make sure that there is adequate legislatureRead MoreGenetic Profiling: Legal Studies1907 Words à |à 8 PagesGenetic Profiling Genetic profiling is a contemporary issue relating to the individual and technology which restricts access to unbiased decisions and privacy. Genetic profiling interferes with the individuals bodily, genetic and behavioural privacy, as it can be used for the benefit of identifying bodies to using the results of a DNA test to choose whether to employ one individual over another, due to future concerns. It can easily be argued that genetic profiling is in the need of law reform
English Language development â⬠ââ¬ÅDanny and his mumââ¬Â Free Essays
The extracts in which I have analysed are conversations between a young child, Danny and his mother. The three stages are approximately 3 months apart from each other. Stage A at 21 months, Stage B at 24 months, and Stage C at 27 months. We will write a custom essay sample on English Language development ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Danny and his mumâ⬠or any similar topic only for you Order Now All children are unique in their language development and theyââ¬â¢re difficult to study. Their concentration span usually affects how they can be studied, often the child will wander off or just simply be uncooperative in any way possible. Children are usually very inconsistent and sometimes it is difficult to determine whether the child is actually learning language or whether imitative behaviour is playing a role. E.g. ââ¬Å"Helloâ⬠ââ¬Å"Hello.â⬠Everybody has a limited vocabulary, this is especially obvious in young children often the evidence of a child putting a sentence together is ambiguous. E.g. ââ¬Å"I doing like this all dayâ⬠depending on the context and the tone of voice this sentence could mean He likes doing something all day (with incorrect word order) Or heââ¬â¢s behaving like this all the time (where the problem may be a limited vocabulary) Finally, there is a time lag between understanding language and production of language, especially where children are concerned they can always take in more than they can produce in their own language. Concerning language theories it is difficult to determine at what age a child should be able to a specific skill, however below is a guideline of which acquisition skills are usually achieved and at what age. 6-8 weeks: cooing (repeating vowel sounds) 6-7 months: babbling (consonants and intonation) Reduplicated babbling (babababa) 10 months: gestures, pointing 11-12 months: variegated babbling (bigodabu) 12 months: one-word utterances ââ¬Å"ball,â⬠ââ¬Å"water,â⬠ââ¬Å"upâ⬠18 months: Telegraphic speech Two-word utterances in their simplest form (ââ¬Å"baby cry,â⬠ââ¬Å"push truckâ⬠) 2 ââ¬â 3 years Morphology Use of function words, prefixes, suffixes (ing endings prepositions, plural) Over-regularisationââ¬â¢s, Syntax Sentences gradually become longer, more complex ââ¬Å"Daddy ballâ⬠ââ¬Å"Daddy throw ballâ⬠ââ¬Å"Will you throw the ball, Daddy?â⬠Below are some theories of Language Development Nativistic-There is an inborn language acquisition devise (LAD) that transforms the surface structure of language into an internal deep structure that the child readily understands. Cognitive-Developmental- Cognitive and language development progress together. Children are analysing content prior to extracting grammatical structures. Environmental Learning ââ¬â The environment provides children with requisite learning experiences to acquire language. Parents facilitate language acquisition by providing a language acquisition support system (LASS). The preverbal period ââ¬â Speech Perception ââ¬â Babies are born with categorical perception of many speech contrasts, including many that do not occur in their own language. Exposure to specific contrasts of their own language facilitates discrimination ability, such that older children and adults can no longer hear many speech contrasts that young infants can discriminate. Babies prefer speech sounds to other sounds, particularly the rising and falling intonations many adults use when speaking to young children (i.e. ââ¬Å"mothereseâ⬠). The preverbal period ââ¬â Early Sounds and Gestures. The first sounds are cries and guttural physiological noises. ââ¬â Cooing appears at about 2 months, while reduplicated babbling begins at 6 months. Near the end of the first year, babbling becomes more speech-like in sound and intonation. Gestures serve many pragmatic functions for infants, initially taking the form of requests (e.g., gesture to be picked up) and referential communication (pointing), and later functioning as symbols to label objects, events, and attributes. At approximately 12-months children utter what is recognised by most parents to be their first words. While the first word utterance may appear sudden and discontinuous, it is in fact part of a gradual and continuous process. At approximately 18-months, childrenââ¬â¢s vocabularies increase rapidly, with nouns comprising the majority of childrenââ¬â¢s first words. This has been called the naming explosion. There are large individual differences in the proportion of nouns children use. Some children use a high proportion of nouns in what is termed a ââ¬Å"referential style.â⬠Others use more of a mix of phrases, including frozen phrases such as ââ¬Å"Whatââ¬â¢s that?â⬠and ââ¬Å"Lemmee see,â⬠that characterise what has been termed an ââ¬Å"expressive style.â⬠This latter style emphasises pragmatic functions of language rather than labelling. Some research suggests that girls are more likely to use a referential style and some researchers believe that th is may be related to differences in rearing environments for boys and girls. Doll play may involve more labelling than truck play. The nature of childrenââ¬â¢s early words à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ Overextensions- calling the cat a ââ¬Å"doggieâ⬠à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ Underextensions ââ¬â less common than overextensions, calling a pigeon robin a bird but not calling a robin a bird. Coining ââ¬â children create new words that are not part of adult language à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ First Word Combinations occur as children begin to approach 24-months of age. There is tremendous cross-language commonality in the occurrence of two-word combinations and other aspects of language unfolding. In the case of Danny at 2 years (24 months) he shows inconsistency in coherence and grammar. Danny is at the two-word stage ââ¬Å"more statueâ⬠however he does not fully understand the use of plurals and verbs and therefore cannot produce a correct sentence. He finds it difficult to produce a long sentence due to lack of conjunctions ââ¬Å"andâ⬠therefore he uses fillers and stutters to keep his turns going. His pronunciation is not good he is not fluent and stutters in some parts of the conversation ââ¬Å"the big long lo long long trainâ⬠which may be down to his limited lexis. However towards the end of the conversation his pronunciation develops ââ¬Å"fast car vintageâ⬠as a direct cause of new lexis being learnt. His word order is incorrect in most sentences however, this does improve towards the end of the conversation which could be due to imitative behaviour ââ¬Å"splash piggyâ⬠or that Danny has actually understood the language ââ¬Å"Becca draw on thereâ⬠his word order improves but areas of speech such as tenses prove difficult for Danny. At this stage Dannyââ¬â¢s mumââ¬â¢s input is sometimes quite confusing and seems to leave Danny more confused than anything ââ¬Å"Whatââ¬â¢s he lifting up? Whatââ¬â¢s the crane lifting up?â⬠this could be because she is trying to find the correct level to come into the conversation at, however Danny is left simply confused. On many occasions her sentences are far too complex for Danny or even a more advanced 2-year-old ââ¬Å"What do you think itââ¬â¢s doing if itââ¬â¢s got brushes on the car?â⬠ââ¬Å"What do you think heââ¬â¢s putting the water on the road for?â⬠His mother uses prompt ââ¬Å"isnââ¬â¢t it?â⬠she attempts to involve Danny in the conversation whenever possible she also repetition and imitation to back up what he says whether it be correct or nearly ââ¬Å"fast car vintage.â⬠this is a successful technique because instead of trying to rush his development by correcting every small error she looks for sentences where a part of speech is correct. E.g. word order may be correct but he fails to use tenses, instead of confusing Danny completely she picks up on the good parts of his speech. For the first time Danny uses endings ââ¬Å"ingâ⬠and ââ¬Å"sâ⬠and produces his first perfect sentence ââ¬Å"look thereââ¬â¢s oneâ⬠although it is basic statement it shows Danny is improving every day. He uses a double negative ââ¬Å"no not sittingâ⬠because he is yet to develop the skill of disagreement. Danny even corrects his mother ââ¬Å"Daddy sit thereâ⬠this shows a growing confidence in the youngster and growing ability. Towards the end of the conversation he becomes more coherent, his grammar improves, his vocabulary becomes wider and he begins to develop the skill of turntaking. At 27 months Danny produces longer turns ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t want to go to Watchettâ⬠he is more coherent and his understanding develops immensely. As regards imitation, Danny leads the conversation, which shows how he has developed in a mere three months. In parts he uses telegraphic language ââ¬Å"I got a library bookâ⬠However, he uses self correction to again show how his understanding has developed ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠¦we donââ¬â¢t want go and see them.â⬠Another development from 24 months is the use of conjunctions ââ¬Å"no I donââ¬â¢t want I want to go when I get bigger want to go on my own a a Watchett.â⬠This example is a long turn for Danny with fairly complex features, he incorporates a new learnt ending ââ¬Å"erâ⬠which he uses correctly and doesnââ¬â¢t mix it up. Adults tend to use ââ¬Å"weâ⬠instead of ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠It is evident with Danny that children do pick up on this. ââ¬Å"Weââ¬â¢re going to be good today arenââ¬â¢t we?â⬠The child doesnââ¬â¢t understand why the ââ¬Å"weâ⬠is used and simply imitates it because it is believed to be correct. Danny uses three verbs in one sentence ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t want to go to Watchettâ⬠which is an incredible achievement from three months previous. Danny begins to incorporate his own vocabulary into the conversation ââ¬Å"televisionâ⬠he sets the agenda in the conversation, his mother however, still takes the lead but not as directly. Danny uses past and future ââ¬Å"when get biggerâ⬠tenses towards the end of the conversation however cannot quite master perfect tense although they are not completely grammatically correct it is evident that Danny really is learning competently and steadily. His mother uses tag questions to prompt Danny ââ¬Å"called Harry isnââ¬â¢t he?â⬠this is effective to a certain degree as Danny replies ââ¬Å"Harryâ⬠whether this is due to knowledge or simply imitation is not evident. She tries to help Danny to develop his labelling skills ââ¬Å"that dogâ⬠however, this technique isnââ¬â¢t as successful as others are possibly because Danny is too young or maybe he simply doesnââ¬â¢t understand what his mother is trying to do. She seems to make more sense to Danny in this particular conversation, and is no longer needed to over power Danny as leader of the conversation they are more equal, which brings out the best in Danny it is almost as though they are socialising and taking part in a proper conversation instead of Dannyââ¬â¢s mum trying to get the best out of Danny by constantly prompting and correcting her son. To conclude, the major developments made have been the endings learnt, the expansion on vocabulary without imitation, the use of tenses, longer more correct turns and understanding. Dannyââ¬â¢s progress is evident in most aspects of speech. Compared to the guidelines of how a childââ¬â¢s speech should have improved with age Danny is slightly behind, this isnââ¬â¢t because he is less intelligent or has a problem it is simply because no child is average, no one has the same learning speed because this is part of being an individual. Dannyââ¬â¢s mum became less in charge as Danny got older, she was no longer needed to lead the conversation and therefore both Danny and his mum were on more of an equal status, she no longer needed to correct Danny because towards the end he began to understand her. The turns of both Danny and his mum became longer as he aged this shows the major development in Dannyââ¬â¢s language acquisition that he is no longer dependent on his mother and has his own be it small vocabulary. Danny is still to learn a more vast vocabulary but this will come with age and experience, he is yet to perfect his use of tenses and sometimes telegraphic language plays a part in his turns. The majority of his language is good but not perfect, but even teenagers have difficulty in this area nobodyââ¬â¢s language is ever perfect. He has to improve fluency but this will come once he has a wider vocabulary. Overall Danny has progressed competently in all areas of speech, he is not ahead for his age but as explained we are all individuals and do not follow a trend by any means. How to cite English Language development ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Danny and his mumâ⬠, Essays
Legalization of Marijuana Essay Thesis Example For Students
Legalization of Marijuana Essay Thesis The purpose of this paper is to discuss marijuana and compare both sides of the issue of legalizing marijuana. We have two factions fighting each other; one those who are pro-marijuana and those who are anti-marijuana. These two factions have been fighting on this issue on the halls of justice for years. Pro marijuana legalization groups such as the Physicians Association for AIDS Care, National Lymphoma Foundation argue that marijuana should be legalized in order to treat terminally ill patients. Among them are AIDS victims who find that marijuana stimulates their appetites so they can fight off dangerous emaciation; glaucoma sufferers who have used marijuana said it has prevented them from going blind, and cancer patients for whom it alleviates the severe nausea that is often accompanies chemotherapy and sometimes makes lifesaving treatment impossible. Due to all these lobbying groups which show subeztial evidence that marijuana can be used as a prescribed drug. Also many advocates who are pro marijuana complain that morphine and cocaine are legal and are very dangerous drugs, that brings up the question why not legalize marijuana as medical drug which is proven to be less dangerous than cocaine and morphine. Lobbying groups in a San Diego, California , council committee unanimousl y voted to urge president Bill Clinton and congress to end federal restrictions against the use of marijuana for legitiment medical use. City council women Christine kehoe said she wanted the city of San Diego to go on the record we support the medical use marijuana.; marijuana can be a drug of necessity in the treatment of AIDS, glaucoma, cancer and multiple sclerosis. Many agencies which are anti marijuana such as Drug Enforcement Agency and police departments argue that marijuana shouldnt be legalized. These agencies believe that marijuana shouldnt be legalized because if marijuana is to become legal then thousands more patients using marijuana. Then people will raise the question why marijuana illegal at all if its a medicine. The main reason why the Drug Enforcement Agency doesnt want marijuana to be legal is because their is no hard core evidence that proves that marijuana is a effective drug as a medicine. In twenty years of research have produced no reliable scientific proo f that marijuana has medical value. The American Cancer Society , American Glaucoma Society,the National Multiple Sclerosis, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, or the American Medical Association , say that their is no evidence that marijuana is a medicine. The agencies also argues that no other drug prescribed is smoked and that knew findings show that marijuana is acutely harmful to AIDS, Cancer patients because the active ingredient in marijuana acutely reduces the the bodies white blood cells which fight off infection. The Drug Enforcement Agency along with police departments all over the United States believe, with the legalization of drugs crime will increase due to a higher increase of pot users which will eventually become addicts and will still or kill in order to get their drugs. These are the main points and reasons why the Drug named marijuana shouldnt be legalized in the United States of America. Seeing booth sides of the issue I come to a conclusion that marijuana should be legalized in order to help people suffering from terminal diseases such as AIDS, Cancer and Glaucoma. Prohibition of marijuana over the past decades hasnt deminshed the demand of the drug in the United States. The use of marijuana has acutely went up due to the mass attention given to marijuana by rappers such as Cypress Hill who promote the use of marijuana as a social drug. But I believe that marijuana is here to stay in our society and is only going through the stages that alcohol had during the prohibition era. Marijuana will become legal due to the knew administration which is liberal and whos leader, president Bill Clinton who had acutely used marijuana during the nineteen sixties. Due to all these factors marijuana will become more widely accepted by the American people who will pressure congress to rewrite the laws on the drug marijuana. Now its only a matter of time before lobbying groups pressure the legislature to legalize it. Due to legalization many states wi ll be able to grow marijuana as a cash crop, and the United States government will be able to tax marijuana and make revenue off it. The revenue made from marijuana will be in the millions which can be used for drug rehabs and anti drug programs targeted at elementary children. Still by seeing both sides of the issue Im still one hundred percent pro marijuana because I use it socially and I believe its less harmful than beer or liquor because with marijuana you cant overdose. .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b , .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b .postImageUrl , .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b , .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b:hover , .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b:visited , .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b:active { border:0!important; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b:active , .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub978e655f0811605ac585d698125958b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Should the united states end drug prohibition Essay
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Parent`s Influence Essays - Family, Human Behavior, Parenting
Parent`s Influence Influence is a word that can explain many things in today`s world. Influence explains why people do the things they do. A child`s influence on how he/she perceives life will stay with them for the rest of his/her life. But a more important question to ask is where does that influence come. Does it come from the parents of that child or does it come from that child`s peer group. Although children are influenced from the outside world, ultimately a child learns right from wrong, good from bad, love and caring from their parents. I hope to prove to you, the reader, that influence, does in fact, come from the parents more than what people think. First, we must talk about the influence that comes genetically. The parents DNA already have influenced a child from birth. The child can be shy, outgoing, perceptive, or absent-minded, but those characteristics will be shown later in the child`s lifetime. If you look at a family, you can tell what types of characteristics the children have. Then you can ask the parents who in their family have those same traits. I am sure that the parents can think of someone in their family, if not them self, to answer that question. What about the influence a child receives after birth, if any, from their parents. Right after birth takes place, the mother typically shows the child love by holding the baby, kissing it, singing it to bed, etc. Showing a child love from the day the child is born and continuously throughout childhood, will have a better positive effect on the child later in their own life. Judith Rich Harris, in her book The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do; Parents Matter Less The You Think and Peers Matter More believes that the love a parent gives has no effect on the child later in life. So far, to this day, studies show that if a parent show love and support towards their child, that child becomes less aggressive says John Gottman of the University of Washington. To quote Rosie O`Donnell in the Newsweek article, The Parent Trap, of September 7, 1998 on page 58, You`re born with a personality that`s defined by the tenderness, love, support, and care you`re give. She also goes on to say, Children could just be born and put in day care and become who they are. But that negates the value of love. O`Donnell believes that the love a parent gives to their child is the foundation of that child`s personality. Her thoughts along with other scientists, parents, and young adults around the world suggest that parents do influence the children of today. Another influence that parents have on their children is the teaching of right from wrong. Parents teach their kids that stealing is bad or hurting another person is wrong. Parents also teach their children that helping another person is the right thing to do. It is from this concept, that children develop a more in depth conscious. If a person of any age does something wrong or thinks about doing something wrong (i.e. stealing), that person will think of the consequences that go along with that crime. Most people won`t commit the crime because their parents influenced them that stealing is bad. Some people will go commit the crime, but if you ask the thief of what their childhood was like, they would probably say that they had no parents to guide them. So that would lead to society bringing up a child to fend for himself. Another influence that parents give their children is the distinction of good and bad. This is somewhat similar to right from wrong; it is just a little different. There are no severe consequences that come along with these actions. A parent will praise their child for obtaining good grades in school or doing chores around the house. Some parents, in order to teach children good things, will give rewards (i.e. money, toys, etc.) for any action to the child as long as that action is good. A parent might punish a child for doing something bad, such as getting a bad grade in school, or coming home late at night. A parent will do this to help the child understand what they did was wrong and not to do it again. Parents try to teach their children what they should be doing later in life. Parents give their children guidance and prepare them for adulthood. Some people will
Friday, April 10, 2020
Sample Medical School Secondary Essay
Sample Medical School Secondary EssayWhen you are writing a sample medical school secondary essay, you must write something that really stands out in comparison to the rest of the text. This means that you must be honest and tell it like it is. You will need to analyze your experience in college to show why you wanted to pursue a career in medicine.When writing a medical school secondary essay, the objective should be to put your background into the proper perspective. You must explain how a career in medicine would benefit you. You must detail what advantages and disadvantages you felt you had to have a career in medicine and why you chose to pursue a medical career instead of one that was more suited to your interest and capabilities.One advantage you may have had to have a career in medicine is your personal health conditions. Medical school can teach you a lot about physical and mental health. A career in medicine allows you to concentrate on your health rather than worrying abou t how to pay for tuition fees and how to keep up with your friends. This way, you will become more focused on the way you feel inside.Another advantage of pursuing a medical career is the employment prospects. Many students with a college degree and passing the entrance exam to go on to study in medical specialties. You may be able to find jobs as an assistant at a clinic or in research or medicine. Medical schools are actually very attractive to those who have a decent level of knowledge and know how to diagnose and treat patients.A career in medicine also allows you to be more independent. An admission counselor can help you understand the importance of independence in a job. It may require a degree of self-reliance but a career in medicine offers a lot of career options. After you finish your four years of study, you can apply for a residency or fellowship to continue your education. There are various specialties of medicine you may consider, depending on your interests and abili ties.The career in medicine provides you a great opportunity to meet many people, start new relationships and build new friendships. The job has many benefits such as being responsible for others' well being, building strong interpersonal relationships and helping patients who are in need of immediate attention.So, when you are writing a sample medical school secondary essay, do not worry too much about the quality of the essay. The most important thing is to express yourself clearly and honestly. Do not think about your personal needs but focus on making sure you come across as a person with a strong set of skills and qualities.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Nude in Weatern Tradition essays
The Nude in Weatern Tradition essays The depiction of the nude female model by a male artist in oil painting has played a significant role in the western tradition over the last 500 years. The oil painting of the female nude is subject to the artists interpretation of her form. She is affected by the artists desire for his model, as well as his art and she is torn between the artists inability to be both lover and painter. Hubert Damischs The Underneaths of Painting helps the reader understand the importance of the male painters imaging of the female form. By analyzing Balzacs Unknown Masterpiece, Damisch uncovers several tangents to the unique relationship between artists and the women they create on canvas. Balzac tells a tale of the truth behind the creative process of an artist and the way he perceives his vision when finally completed in oil. Poussin is a young painter who doesnt quite understand how the concepts of desire and love will affect the perception of his model, and lover, Gilette. He soon embarks on a journey that takes him underneath the paint: Under the paint and as its truth, instead and in the place of the so-called picture, the exchange assuming its last true face: a woman for a picture and a woman for what forms (or ought to) its subject. It is at this point in the picture where the subterranean, archaeological presence of the woman reveals itself, that something is given to see, something that can be spoken, that can be named, something moreover alive, delectable, a foothold for desire; in a word, something that looks at us unlike the inexpressible wall of paint that holds it captive, (Damisch 202). There are many layers of paint put on to one canvas, but the image isnt visible right away, she must grow through the brushstrokes. When the last brush of paint tou ...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Individual Markings of the Black Swallowtail
The Individual Markings of the Black Swallowtail The black swallowtail, one of North Americaââ¬â¢s most familiar butterflies, frequently visits backyard gardens. They are a very common sight and youve likely seen the butterfly and caterpillar quite often, especially near your vegetables.à How to Identify Black Swallowtails This large butterfly has black wings with yellow markings and a wingspan of 8 to 11 centimeters. The male displays a row of bold yellow spots, while the femaleââ¬â¢s spots are faded shades of yellow and blue. The black swallowtailââ¬â¢s colors mimic those of similar species, such as the giant or pipevine swallowtails. To identify the black swallowtail, look for a pair of black dots centered in larger orange circles on the inner edge of the hind wings. The black swallowtail caterpillar changes appearance each time it molts. In the last few stages of growth, it is white and green with black bands and yellow or orange spots. The black swallowtail is also known as the Eastern black swallowtail, the parsley worm, and the parsnip swallowtail. The last two names refer to the insects proclivity to feed on plants in the carrot family. Black swallowtails fall into the Papilionidae family, which includes other swallowtails: Kingdom ââ¬â AnimalPhylum ââ¬â ArthropodaClass ââ¬â InsectaOrder ââ¬â LepidopteraFamily ââ¬â PapilionidaeGenus ââ¬â PapilioSpecies ââ¬â polyxenes What Do Black Swallowtails Eat? The butterflies feed on nectar from flowers. Caterpillars feed on plants in the carrot family, which includes dill, fennel, parsley, and carrots. Life Cycle Like all butterflies, the black swallowtail undergoes a complete metamorphosis. The life cycle has four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Egg - It takes 3-5 days for eggs to hatch.Larva - The caterpillar has five instarsà (the stageà between molts).Pupa - The chrysalis stage lasts 9-11 days, or over the winter.Adult - Northern areas have one or two generations; southern areas may have three. Special Adaptations and Defenses The caterpillar has a special gland called an osmeterium that emits a foul odor when it is threatened. The orange osmeterium looks like a forked snake tongue. Caterpillars also ingest oils from the host plantsà of the carrot family; the foul taste of the chemical in their bodies repels birds and other predators. The chrysalides of the black swallowtail can be green or brown, depending on the color of the surface to which they are attached. This form of camouflage keeps them hidden from predators. The adult butterfly is thought to mimic the pipevine swallowtail, which is distasteful to predators. Habitat and Range of Black Swallowtails You will find black swallowtails in open fields and meadows, suburban yards, and roadsides. They are most common inà North America east of the Rocky Mountains. Their range extends south all the way to the northern tip of South America and they are also present in Australia.
Monday, February 17, 2020
THEME Comming of Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
THEME Comming of Age - Essay Example For this work the author got the appreciations from the critics also. In this story the main character is Andrew Ender Wiggin, he was selected to a battle school along with his sister Valentine and his sadistic brother Peter. In the course of training, Commander Hyrum Graff recognizes that the boy is an intelligent and worthy than others in the camp. The identity makes him alone in the camp as the all other boys ostracize him from the group and he becomes the topper in the battle school. He wanted to keep away from the position of isolation but it will be impossible for him. He feels discomfort till he receives a letter from his sister Valentine and later he decides to protect her in battle school. Later Wiggin was promoted as a commander of the battle school war game because of his skills and in the battle room he proves his skill through performance and gets the appreciations from the superiors. After some months the hero of the story Wiggin exhausts himself with the heavy work and he becomes tired of the war game and was not in a position to contin ue there. The restless work in the battle school made Wiggin as pale and inactive. He turns weak psychologically as well as physically. But his superiors as a highly talented identified him and he performed as if he was in real battleground. For the final exam Mazer Rackham, who was the legend in formic wars, trained Wiggin. In the final exam of the battle school Wiggin was assigned to fight with a war ship. In the war game his master directed Wiggin and he played major roll in the war game. As the commander of his war team he had to destroy the ships of the enemies and he had to create the massacre. But the sensitive Andrew Ender Wiggin fought as a real soldier and destroyed the ammunition of the enemies. He fought in the war game as a real soldier. The boy Andrew used a special weapon named Dr. Device, which is unethical in the war game and destroyed the ships of the enemy. He thought that his unfair decision will send him home and he can remain there with his sister Valentine and his friends. But his superior told him that the genocide and massacre is common in the real war. The soft natured Andrew could not digest the war game, the genocide as well as the massacre. The guilty feeling gave him ill health and he goes into coma. After he recovers from ill health his sister convinces him to leave from the colony ship from the battle room. Later the battle turned into a mind game and Andrew seriously involved in that game and wants to save his staff. His sister Valentine also tries to convince him to come out of that mania. Orson wove the relation between the three people very tactfully and the scenes of the war game are undoubtedly amazing. The author succeeded in drawing the attention of the readers and in the movie the spectators. But in this story dosage of violence is something more. The second part of the novel is a movie and it also entertained the people very much. How ever the novel bagged Nebula award as a best novel in 1985 and Hugo award in the same category in 1986. The two parts remains in the history as a best science fiction novels. The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseni In this novel the author describes the relation between the rich and poor boys in the war effected Afghanistan. In contrast to the theme in the previous novel, which describes the struggle of a character between violence and peaceful life, the present chapter
Monday, February 3, 2020
Education Regulation Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Education Regulation Law - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that not attending school leads to poor academic performance and lack of educational success, both contributing factors when discussing juvenile delinquency, an issue that is becoming more and more prevalent as time goes on. Many factors exist as to why a juvenile will not or does not attend school. Perhaps a juvenile has failed to bond at school, has no friends or reliable relationships among his or her peers (Flores, 2003). A juvenile that does not have any friendships among their peers, or feels isolated and alone, will often choose not to go to school, and thus jeopardize their chances of educational success. In young children aged eight to eleven, poor academic performance has been related to serious later delinquency (Flores, 2003). Another contributing factor to failed bonding is the fact that not attending school leads to poor socialization, and thus the feeling of isolation deepens even more. Students who are chronic underachievers t end to be the most at-risk group for juvenile delinquency (Seigel & Welsh, 2010). In all of these situations, a juvenile will most likely choose not to attend school, instead of finding something else to do with their time. The actions that they choose could well lead them down the path of juvenile delinquency. Education has been widely promoted by all sources surrounding juveniles, from family to the media to the schools themselves (Seigel & Welsh, 2010). Most juveniles have been trained to accept the fact that education itself holds the keys to success, whether that success is measured in a better job, more money, or a better way of life (Seigel & Welsh, 2010). However, many juveniles may feel that they do not meet the acceptable standards for educational success, whether that success is measured in test scores, promotions, rewards, or other measures (Seigel & Welsh, 2010). In measuring themselves, often juveniles are their own worst critics, feeling that they will never be good a t anything; therefore school and education are a waste of time. They feel that this time could be better spent learning ââ¬Å"life skillsâ⬠, skills that all too often lead to a life of juvenile delinquency. No matter what the forces are behind a juvenile feeling as though education will not be of any use to them at all, it is clear that early intervention is necessary to determine who and where the most at-risk youth are. Oddly enough, the first intervention taking place in school may already be too late for some juveniles. It has been shown that parents have a vital role in the success of their offspring, and positive relationships between family members only serve to heighten the chances of educational success (Adedokun & Balschweid, 2008). If an early intervention takes place and identifies possible situations that may not be of benefit to a juvenile, measures can be taken such as family counseling and other assistance that may promote and save the educational career of a j uvenile and prevent them from starting any form of juvenile delinquency. Another important factor of note is the juvenile themselves. All juveniles do not learn the same way; just as adults do not all enjoy the same hobby or pastime. To expect every juvenile to learn the same way, by sitting in a classroom and listening to a lecture, may be expecting too much.Ã
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Are CIF Contract of Sale of Goods a Sale of Documents?
Are CIF Contract of Sale of Goods a Sale of Documents? RESEARCH PROPOSAL A Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF) contract of sale is a sale of documents instead of sale of goods. HYPOTHESIS: A Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF) contract of sale is completed when documents are sold instead of the goods. INTRODUCTION AND ACADEMIC RATIONALE: This research proposal will explore the field of Cost Insurance Freight (CIF) contract of sale and it will provide enough references and evidences towards answering the question of: That whether CIF contract of sale of goods is a sale of documents or not? Documents here refers to the contract documents which are the proof of the sale. These documents include the Bills of Lading, Commercial Invoice, and the Insurance Policy. The proposal will also put light upon the context that a CIF sale contract is completed once the documents are tendered correctly even before the goods are delivered. The research objectives for this proposal are presented here, by a series of sub questions: The nature of a CIF contract-Is it a sale of documents or sale of goods? What are the main documents which completes the CIF contract of sale? Why is more emphasis given on symbolic delivery of goods using the documents? What is the concept of passing of property and risk in a CIF contract of sale? What are the duties of the buyer and the seller in a CIF contract of sale? What is High Seas Sale (HSS) and its concept in a CIF contract of sale? The CIF term started with the expansion of the trade and commerce. The first reported case of CIF was in 1862 and 1871 and at that time it was mentioned C.F.I. instead of C.I.F. in a CIF contract the buyer or his agent need not be present physically and the payment was deferred to a mutually agreed date by the buyer and seller.[1] Hamilton J defined the obligations of a CIF vendor; which re as follows: First, to ship at the port of shipment the goods contained in the contract; Second, to procure a freight contract, under which the goods will be delivered at the agreed destination; Third, to arrange for an insurance which will be available for the benefit of the buyer; Fourth, to make out a commercial invoice; Fifth, finally tender these documents to the buyer.[2] It follows that against tender of these documents the buyer must be ready and willing to pay the agreed contract price. Furthermore, in a CIF contract of sale the emphasis is on the symbolic delivery of goods, using the documents which has and carry the title to those goods which are mentioned in the contract of sale and are being shipped. It is a cash against documents contract.[3] LITERATURE REVIEW: To conduct research on the topic CIF contract of sale is a sale of documents instead of sale of goods, it is very much important to firstly obtain some background knowledge on the CIF contract of sale as well as the reasons and evidences which will support and strengthen our topic and will show and proof that CIF contract of sale is a sale of documents. This literature review is contains parts which explains the CIF contract of sale and the relevance of documents in the CIF contract. These include: The nature of a CIF contract, the main documents which completes the CIF contract of sale, the concept of passing of property and risk in a CIF contract of sale, the duties of the buyer and the seller in a CIF contract of sale, High Seas Sale (HSS) and its concept in a CIF contract of sale. This literature review is in accordance with the objectives of this research, which it will explain the need of documents in a CIF contract and as to why a CIF contract of sale is a sale of documents. The Nature of a CIF Contract To start with, a COST, INSURANCE, FREIGHT (CIF) contract of sale is that contract in which the buyer buys the goods from the seller by paying the entire amount till the final port where the goods are to be discharged and delivered to the buyer. The sale price term includes the cost of the goods, insurance, and freight. For Example: 9,000 100lbs. bags of Wheat CIF Le Harve shipment June 2016 cash against documents. Today a CIF contract is one of the most important instruments which is used in international trade and international sale of goods. In a CIF contract the obligations of the seller is to ship the goods to the port which is being agreed upon by the buyer and the seller, and this port is also known as the final port of delivery or the port of discharge. Next is to get a contract of freight from the carrier on which the goods will be shipped to the agreed port and destination and then to arrange for an insurance which will cover the goods against the loss during the transit and this will benefit the buyer and then to make a commercial invoice. After all this the final obligation of the seller is to tender the documents to the buyer in the correct way and the correct manner which have been agreed by both buyer and the seller. After the documents are tendered and they are accepted by the buyer, the buyer is then bound to pay the agreed contract price of the goods and the contract is fulfilled and performed. About to the nature of the performance of the CIF contract, especially where the importance is given on the tendering of the documents in the correct manner rather than physical delivery of goods, some jurists and academic writers are of the view that CIF contract of sale is a sale of documents rather than goods.[4] The main documents which completes the CIF contract of sale and the concept of passing of property and risk In the CIF contract of sale, the importance is on the symbolic delivery of goods which is done using the documents which has the title of the shipped is a cash against documents contract. The main documents in a CIF contract of sale are Bills of Lading, Insurance policy, Commercial Invoice. The commercial invoice shows the contract price and the buyer must pay once these documents are tendered. The advantages of a CIF contract are that the buyer does not have to worry about the freight prices and insurance premiums and the changes if any happen to the prices, as the buyer pays the entire price till the final delivery port. The buyer also knows the exact price which he has to pay. The property in a CIF contract of sale may pass either on shipment or on tender of the documents and the risk generally passes on shipment, but the possession does not pass until the documents which represents the goods are handed over in exchange for the price. The presumption is property passes in CIF contract of sale when documents are delivered to the buyer.[5] The judgement of Scrutton J also said that a CIF contract is a contract of sale of documentsin the cases of Karberg (Arnhold) Co v Blythe Green, Jourdain Co. The judgement became very famous. The judgement lies as: I am strongly of opinion that the key to many of the difficulties arising in CIF contracts is to keep in mind the cardinal distinction that a CIF sale is not a sale of goods, but a sale of documents relating to goods. It is not a contract that goods shall arrive, but a contract to ship goods complying with the contract of sale and to tender those documents against payments of the contract price. He buys the documents, not the goods, and it may be that under the terms of the contracts of insurance and affreightment he buys no indemnity for the damage that has happened to the goods. In my view, therefore, the relevant question will generally be not what at the time of the declaration of tender of the documents is the condition of the goods? but what, at the time of the tender of documents, was the condition of the documents as to compliance with the contract of sale? This ruling has been observed in later cases.[6] Whatever happens to the goods in transit, the Bills of Lading and the Insurance Policy provide an almost complete continuous cover from the port of shipment to the port of destination. If the goods are lost at sea the documents remain valid and can be tendered as normal for the full purchase price to be paid.[7] Justice McCardie held in Manbre Saccharine Co Ltd v Corn Products Co Ltd, whereby he said that the obligation of the vendor is to deliver documents rather than goods to transfer symbols rather than the physical property represented thereby. This supports that documents seem to be the essence of the CIF contract.[8] If the seller hands over the documents to the buyer before payment, then it is presumed that the seller reserves the title until payment.[9] The duties of buyer and the seller in a CIF Contract of Sale The duty of the seller is to ship the goods afloat which are mentioned in the contract and makes a contract of carriage of goods by sea to port of arrival at his own expense. Obtaining a bill of lading and the insurance policy, tender these documents i.e. commercial invoice, Bills of lading and insurance policy to the buyer. The buyer should accept the tender of conforming documents and pay the contract price which is against the delivery of documents. The documents must be strictly conformed to the contract, and the documents can be re-tendered if they are not conforming to the contract of sale.[10] High Seas Sale(HSS) and its concept in a CIF Contract of Sale In a CIF contract when a buyer (actual consignee) has the documents like the Bills of Lading, Insurance Policy, and the Commercial Invoice, he can then further sell those goods to someone else, and he can do so when the goods are still sailing and in the sea. The second buyer can also do this to someone else and the documents are sold for the price. This type of sale is known as HIGH SEAS SALE (HSS) in which the goods are sold while they are still sailing and they have not reached the final port. A high seas sale is done when the goods have left the loading port and are in the sea but have not arrived at the port of discharge. If something happens to the goods, then the buyer has the insurance policy and he can claim the damages from the insurance company. The importance of documents can be supported from the statement made by Lord Porter in Comptoir dAchat et de Vente du Boerenbond Belge S/A v Luis de Ridder Limitada (The Julia) [1949] A.C. 293 at pp.309, 312: The obligations imposed upon a seller under a c.i.f. contract are well known, and in the ordinary case include the tender of a bill of lading covering the goods contracted to be sold and no others, coupled with an insurance policy in the normal form and accompanied by an invoice which shows the price and, as in this case, usually contains a deduction of the freight which the buyer pays before delivery at the port of discharge. Against tender of these documents the purchaser must pay the price.[11] METHODOLOGY: To understand how this research study will aim to be conducted, it is firstly very important to establish the focus and direction it will follow. This will enable us and take us to a certain level where there will be more understanding and more support on CIF contract of sale as a contract for sale of documents rather than sale of goods. From the literature reviewed in preparation for this proposal, it became clear that what most Judges and from their judgements that the obligations of a CIF contract of sale are fulfilled when the correct and conforming documents as per the sale contract is tendered by the seller to the buyer. Because of this, the question that arose in the beginning that why a CIF contract of sale is considered a sale of documents and not sale of goods? is somewhere answered, and after reviewing the literature review in this study, additionally to establishes an answer for the question. To continue, for this study and to meet the objectives, the methodology that will be adopted is that of the doctrinal research method. Doctrinal research is concerned with the formation of what are labelled as legal doctrines, whereby an analysis of legal rules takes place.[12] These legal rules can be located within sources of law such as Statutes and Cases, although it is very important to understand that they cannot fully provide a thorough statement of the law. In regards to this study, it is important to appreciate that this can only be obtained by applying the pertinent set of legal rules to the specific facts and the judgements of the judges who are in favour of the view that a CIF contract of sale is a sale of documents. This research method is colloquially referred to as black-letter law and historically can be seen to be the most suitable method to adopt for research of this nature. Moreover, doctrinal research is concerned with the formation and evolvement of legal doctrines for publication. As this study is essentially asking what is the law? it does significantly differ from the qualitative analysis process used in traditional social science research. So, to conduct this research and to make it clear that a CIF contract of sale is a sale of documents, the judgements in regards to the CIF contract will be analysed. This will enable us to understand why the traders and most importantly the judges are of the view that a CIF contract of sale is a sale of documents. Moreover, the CIF contract of sale is governed by many laws and acts like the Sale of Goods Act 1979, Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971, Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992, and the main aim is to make it very much clear that the CIF contract of sale is a sale of documents. It is usually inclusive of the sections and provisions from the above stated acts. An extensive list of cases in which the judgements are in the view of the research question which is that a CIF contract is a sale of documents is also included in this research to make the concept and the research clearer. Some of the cases related to our research proposal are as follows: JUDGE CASE YEAR RECORD Scrutton J Arnold Karberg Co v Blythe, Green Jourdain Co [1915] K.B. 379 at 388 McCardie J Manbre Saccharine Co, Ltd v Corn Products Co, Ltd [1918-19] All ER Rep 980 at p.984 Lord Atkinson Johnson v Taylor Bros Co Ltd [1920] AC 144 at pp.155-156 Lord Wright Ross T Smyth Co Ltd v TD Bailey Son Co [1940] All ER 60 at p.68 and p.70 Lord Porter Comptoir dAchat et de Vente du Boerenbond Belge S/A v Luis de Ridder Limitada (The Julia) [1949] A.C. 293 at pp.309, 312[13] OUTLINE OF CHAPTERS: Chapter Content One This is the introductory chapter which will have the main issues related to the topic. It has the research question along with the research objectives and hypothesis. Two This chapter deals with the literature review. It is broken down into various topics related to CIF contract of sale along with some cases and judgements relevant to the topic making it more clear and concise. Three This chapter contains the explanation of the methodology adopted along with the reasons for its adoption. It also contains the findings and a table of cases related to the research topic. Four This is the final chapter which has the bibliography. BIBLIOGRAPHY: COMMERCIAL LAW BOOK-2ND EDITION, ERIC BASKIND, GREG OSBORNE AND LEE ROACH David M Sassoon DM, The origin of F.O.B. and C.I.F. terms and the Factors influencing their Choice Ademuni-Odeke, The nature of CIF Contract- Is it a Sale of Documents or Sale of goods? WESTLAW UK LEXIS LIBRARY E-LAWRESOURCES.CO.UK WWW.GOOGLE.COM accessed 3 January 2017 ( CHYNOWETH P, LEGAL RESEARCH IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT: A METHODOLOGICAL FRAME WORK (2011) accessed on 6 January 2017 [1] David M Sassoon DM, The origin of F.O.B. and C.I.F. terms and the Factors influencing their Choice 34 [2] Ademuni-Odeke, The nature of CIF Contract- Is it a Sale of Documents or Sale of goods? 159 [3] Karberg (Arnhold) Co v Blythe Green, Jourdain [1915] [4]> accessed 3 January 2017 [5] The Miramichi [1915] P 71 [6] Ademuni-Odeke, The nature of CIF Contract- Is it a Sale of Documents or Sale of goods? 160 [7] Ademuni-Odeke, The nature of CIF Contract- Is it a Sale of Documents or Sale of goods? 161 [8] Manbre Saccharine Co ltd v Corn Products Co Ltd [1918-19] [9] Ginzberg v Barrow Haematite Steel Co Ltd [1996] [10] Borrowman, Phillips Co v Free Hollis [1878] [11] ( accessed on 3 January 2017 [12] accessed on 6 January 2017 [13] ( accessed on 9 January 2017 Analysis: Electronic Arts Company Analysis: Electronic Arts Company Electronic Arts (EA) is an American developer, marketer, publisher, and distributor of computer and video games. The gaming industry where the company operates is one of the most competitive and dynamic industries. Perform a PEST analysis and five forces analysis on the industry as well as SWOT analysis and suggest an appropriate strategic course for Electronic Arts. Electronic Arts, Inc. (EA) is a worldwide developer, dealer, publisher and distributor of video entertainments. The organization was an initiate of the early home computer amusements organization and was remarkable for encouraging the designers and programmers in charge for its games. Initially, EA was a home computing amusement publisher. EA developed via achievement of several successful developers. It had grown to be one of the worlds biggest third party publishers. (Wikipedia ,2010) Presently, it is mainly successful goods are sports games available under its EA Sports label, entertainments based on trendy film authorizes such as Harry Potter and games from long-running franchises like Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, The Sims, Battlefield and the presently games in the Burnout and Command and Conquer series. With the majority of its sports instruction series being industrial by EA, and the worlds biggest enlargement studio EA Canada which they are also the distributors of the Rock Band series. (Wikipedia ,2010) 2.0 PEST analysis tools PEST can be described as political, economic, social, technological issues, which are applied to evaluate the marketplace for a company or organizational unit. The PEST analysis headings are a structure for analysis a position, and can also be applied to evaluate a plan or position, trend of a business and marketing proposal. It is a helpful implement for understanding marketplace situation, in which they are working, and the opportunities and threats that be positioned within it. (Strategylabs, 2010) The models issues will vary in significance to a particular company based on its business and the products it manufactures. Moreover, issues which are more probable to alter in the outlook or more related to a specified business will carry greater meaning. Additionally, EA who create a large range of goods can find it more helpful to evaluate one division of its organization at a time with the PEST model, hence concerning on the particular issues appropriate to that one division. (Researchmarkets, 2009) By understanding the situation in which EA function exterior to the divisions, they know how to take benefit of the opportunities and diminish the threats. Particularly, it is a functional tool for understanding threats linked with market development or decline and as such the situation, prospective and trend for them. It is finding out where they are in the circumstance of what is occurring exterior that will at several point cause what is happening within of the business. (Modelbenders, 2009) 2.1 Five forces analysis Porters five forces analysis contracts with issues external a business that influence the environment of rivalry within it, the forces inside the organization that control the approach in which firms compete, and accordingly the organizations likely productivity is accomplished in Porters five forces model. An industry has to realize the dynamics of its businesses and marketplaces in order to compete successfully in the market. It described the forces which make rivalry, competing that the competitive atmosphere is formed by the relations of five dissimilar forces acting on a company. It seems at five solution parts specifically the threat of entrance, the power of consumers, the power of providers, the threat of substitutes, and competitive challenges. (Emerald Insight Staff , 1993) Understanding the environment of each of these forces gives associations the essential approaching to allow them to make the right plans to be successful in their marketplace. It is a simple tool that supports EA understanding where power lies in a business situation. It also assists to recognize both the strong point of their current competitive situation, and the strength of a situation of them is looking to move into. With an understandable recognizing of where power lies, it will allow EA to get fair benefit of its strengths, develop weaknesses, and avoid taking incorrect stages. Consequently, to concern this planning instrument efficiently, it is vital to know the position and to look at each of the forces separately. (Modelbenders, 2009) 2.2 SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is a strategic planning system applied to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats concerned in a plan or in an industry venture. The interior issues can be analysis as strengths or weaknesses depending upon their force on the companys goals. The exterior issues can comprise macroeconomic matters, technological alter, legislation, and socio-cultural transforms, as well as alters in the market or competitive situation. (Strategylabs, 2010) In many rival analyses, EA make completed outlines of each competitor in the marketplace, concerning particularly on their virtual competitive strengths and weaknesses utilizing SWOT analysis. EA will observing each competitors price structure, sources of earnings, resources and competencies, competitive situation and manufactured goods isolation, degree of vertical combination, historical reactions to business enlargements and other issues. (Emerald Insight Staff , 1993) Another instance is EA, which is a great example of how computer amusements business can utilize a SWOT analysis to shape out a strong company strategy. They have known that its strength was selling openly to customers and keeping its prices lower than those of other competitors. EA put together a company strategy that integrated mass customization and just-in-time manufacturing and allowing consumers enjoy their computer amusements with complete imagination in the games world. (Researchmarkets, 2009) 2.3 The analytical tools in solutions It helps EA in discovery the true resolution that best meets their requirements and can play a dynamic role in the accomplishment as well as support. To make easy this development, they have recognized strategic deal with key vendors. The growing resolutions portfolio presents customers with leading skill by world-class partners and developed in the marketplace. EA suggests proven resolutions that provide stability, scalability and the elasticity needed to maximize effectiveness and performance in a extremely competitive atmosphere. (Sadler, Philip , 1993) EA bring value to their customers by joining that recognize how with an entire suite of feature rich resolutions that offers the best functionality part. Thus, the system to develop the productivity and efficiency of company analysts, EA must continue to enlarge the width and strength of their data storehouses, which will diminish the number of data sources that analysts need to entrance directly. They must also equip analysts with improved analytical tools that manage the way they do. (Coate, Patricia , 2007) In line with the ever growing complexity of the competitive marketplace EA has abilities far beyond those of the conventional intermediary, letting them to manage as their customers reliance risk partner with resources to contain every part of their business. They give the firm with the most proper resolutions, through consultancy services, systematic tools and risk goods that continue and improve their customers situation in the market. (Sadler, Philip , 1993) 3.0 Conclusion Any company must seek to understand the nature of its competitive environment if it is to be successful in achieving its objectives and in establishing appropriate strategies. If a company fully understands the nature of the analysis, and particularly appreciates which one is the most important, it will be in a stronger position to defend itself against any threats and to influence the forces with its strategy. The situation is fluid, and the nature and relative power of the forces will change. Thus, the need to monitor and stay aware is continuous. (Coate, Patricia , 2007) Some issues during the implementation of these analyses strategic are crucially important for organizations to build long-term business strategy and sustaining competitive advantages rather than simply list the forces. Successful use of the analysis includes identifying the sources of competition, the strength and likelihood of that competition existing, and strategic recommendations for the action a company should take in order to develop barriers to competition. (Researchmarkets, 2009) It is important to make sure that the sources are reliable and relevant to the current condition of the organization. It has to be viable, reliable and valid, in order to conduct a good analysis of the model. For this purpose, the gathered data and information has to be checked and be applied to the current business conditions. Further limitations could be present in the nature of market forces that reduce the applicability of the information sources to present situations and the amount of detailed information required. (Wikipedia, 2010) 4.0 Reference Question 1 Wikipedia (2010), Electronic arts, retrieved on February 12,2011 from Strategylabs (2010), Analysis of electronic arts, Retrieved on February 13,2011 from Researchmarkets (2009), Swot analysis , Retrieved on February 12,2011 from Modelbenders (2009), Electronic arts, Retrieved on February 12, 2011 from E-library Emerald Insight Staff (1993), 1st ed., Strategic Management, à Emerald Group Pub lishing Ltd Sadler, Philip à (1993), 1st ed., Strategic Management , Kogan Page Ltd. Coate, Patricia (2007), 1st ed., Focus on strategic management , à Emerald Group Publishing Ltd Question 2 Suggest why different approaches to strategy development might be appropriate in different organizations such as a university, a fashion retailer and a high technology company. Introduction A business strategy naturally is an article that obviously expressive the way an industry will pursue and the steps it will take to accomplish its objectives. In a quality of business plan, the business approach results from objectives created to support the stated assignment of the business. In the examination step of business plan development, one of several processes is applied to evaluate a firms market, resources, barriers to achievement and specific advantages. The aim of strategic examination is to classify what a business needs to achieve, the strengths it can bring to bear on achieving the objective and weaknesses that require to be addressed prior to combination and accomplishment. (Sadler, Philip à ,1993) Strategic consideration methodologies can comprise estimating the business circumstances, several of competitive situations, verifying what market forces are at work and ranking competitors, among others. Integrating a business approach typically is one of many steps in a larger production planning process. A business strategy starts with an overall vision. From the vision, a mission statement for the industry is constructed, regularly the shorter and more accurate the better. A mission guides to specific objectives the business will accomplish to complete its mission and that in turn guides to approach to attain goals. Specific plans are regularly then developed to support the business plan. (Coate, Patricia ,2007) Corporate strategy It is verifying the greatest plan to be competitive in the market. It assists to classifies, evaluates, and clarifies the main issuesà facing productions to deliver insights corporations can apply to develop performance and achieve a competitive advantage. It is focused with the overall principle and scale of the business to meet stakeholder outlooks. This is an essential level since it is seriously influenced by investors in the production and performs to lead strategic decision-making throughout the business. Corporate strategy is frequently stated openly in an operation statement. The associations have a vision and a plan for accomplishing that vision. They apply that strategy through everything they accomplish. These great associations are able to make and capture value and situation themselves for better value. (Businessdictionary,2009) 2.1 Business unit strategy Strategic business unit (SBU) is focused more with how an industry competes profitably in an exacting marketplace. It focuses strategic decisions about option of goods, meeting wants of clients, gaining benefit over rivals, developing or making new opportunities. It is known as a business unit within the overall corporate identify which is distinguishable from other business because it serves a defined external market where management can conduct strategic planning in relation to products and markets. (Wikipedia ,2010) The unique small business unit advantages that a firm insistently promotes in a constant manner. When organizations become truly large, they are greatest thought of as being collected of a number of productions. These organizational units are large enough and standardized enough to exercise organize over most strategic issues influencing their performance. They are controlled as self contained planning units for which distinct business strategies can be enlarged. A strategic business unit can include an entire organization, or can basically be a smaller division of an organization set up to execute a specific job. The SBU has its own business approach, goals and rivals and these will frequently be dissimilar from those of the parent organization. (Wikipedia ,2010) Operational strategy It is focused with how each division of the business is managed to bring the company and business unit level strategic way. It concerns on problems of resources, progressions, and groups. The operating strategy intends to close the strategic gap between business strategy and accomplishment. It transforms the strategic objectives into obviously described achievement aims and aligns the implementation process to the value intention. The operating strategy consists of several parts starting with the operating business form as the basis for development, function, and technical and human performance style. An operating business form is the associations crucial logic for constantly accomplishing its principle goals. The desired outcome is to have a tactical to carry out the operating strategic plan. (Tmginconline ,2009) A number of the key essentials comprise classify required decisions and correlated issues for business process such as key production processes, managing approaches. Additionally, it gives creative ideas for operating problems and to make new value opportunities. It is a model to close business development gaps and to understand business value. It can be described as the business development direction based on the general vision. For example, key decisions and leading values for key business processes and managing approaches. (Tmginconline ,2009) 2.3 Olympia College Olympia College was established to meet the rising require for private top education in the country and is an associate of the well-known Raffles Education Group. There are choices of analysis of the strategic plan process within Olympia College. The operational strategy shows that direction into generating strategic competitive advantage in the development. Therefore, they can get a new system to structure their business functions and make sure the successful enlargement of their business in the competitive market. (Olympia ,2010) Strategic planning is a long range planning procedure that helps in setting the direction of Olympic College. The strategic plan originates from the colleges mission and strategic vision and gives detailed actionable strategies for moving towards planned outcomes. Moreover, they have to help student improvement toward objective completion. It is more purposeful and successful in their efforts to bring education at a distance, finalize and realize a long range distance education plan. (Olympia ,2010) However, they have to exploit community entrance to Olympic College, particularly for enlarge and apply an on-going enrollment management structure that informs instructional plans, student support services, and facilities planning. They are concerning attention on learning and to assist students, ability, personnel, and administrators perceive themselves as a society of beginners, encourage a college wide culture of measurement that embraces the consideration of learning outcomes and encourages the study of teaching and learning. (Olympia ,2010) 2.4 Padini Holdings Berhad Padini sells ladies shoes and accessories, childrens clothes, maternity wear and accessories through different subsidiaries. They can apply the business unit strategy to formulate and execute the plans that will give a competitively greater fit the situation and accomplish the organizational objectives. However, it can assist Padini to emphasize attention on a particular regional market or consumer group. The long term plan of Padini also wants to do the interior and exterior review to strengthen the situation in the global market. ( Padini, 2010) It shows a fashion viewpoint of each will covers a complete range of goods intended at a targeted customer. The corporation will carry on upgrading the image of its goods while emphasizing value and standard. It is successful grip in the productive but competitive womens footwear market. There are strategies to strengthen its dominant situation with enhanced production lines and increased competence. Having successfully impressed its brand names into the perception of Malaysian consumers, Padini is moving to turn its different labels into regionally familiar fashion leaders. It aims to fulfill the potential of the export market, particularly in the Asian region, and will also step up in foreign country marketing for its goods. ( Padini, 2010) 2.5 Dell INC. Dell Inc. is the top retailer of computer systems in the market. Dell sells desktop personal computers, notebook computers, network servers, and a diversity of computer software. They can apply the corporate strategy as a direction in which its production operations work together to get particular objectives. They implement that strategy for accomplishing their vision to build up a strong communication suppliers and customers relationships in the future. It helps Dell to find out the best strategy to be competitive in the marketplace. Thus, it will guide them to improve the work performance and gain a competitive advantage. (Dell, 2010) Dells objective is to generate loyal clients by providing better experience at a great value. They are devoted to direct relationships, giving best goods with standard based technology outperforming the rivalry with value and an advanced client experience. Dell is the association which is recognized worldwide for its approach of direct selling to the customers and business customers due to which it has obtained greater profits and has grabbed large market share from its rivals. As the business develops with the period of time it is largely enterprise strategy is becoming stronger, complicated and established. (Dell, 2010) Conclusion Nowadays, competitive market a strategy that assures a constant approach to offering the goods or services in a system that will outperform the competition is significant. However, in performance with defining the marketing strategy associations should also have a well defined method for the day to day progression of executing it. A cost leadership strategy is based on the idea that the associations can manufacture and market a high quality goods or services at a lower cost than their rivals. These low costs must transform to profit margins that are higher than the manufacturing average. Some of the circumstances that must exist to support a cost leadership strategy comprise an on-going accessibility of working capital, excellent process engineering abilities, and close management of work, goods designed for easiness of manufacturing and low cost distribution. (Emerald Insight Staff ,1993) It is important to know the market segment as described by the viewpoint characteristics associations have chosen as the objective for their offering. It is based on the criticality of the prospects require, their approach about alteration, the importance of the benefits, barriers that exist to integrating the offering into daily procedure and the reliability of the offering. The prospective for market penetration involves whether they are selling to past clients or a new outlook, how aware the forecasts are of what they are presenting, rivalry, growth rate of the manufacturing and demographics. The prospects willingness to give for product value is established by their understanding of competitive pricing, their capability to give and their want for characteristics such as value, stability and dependability, ease of utilize, consistency and steadiness. (Coate, Patricia ,2007) Oxygen Uptake Kinetics: Training Effect on Oxygen Uptake Oxygen Uptake Kinetics: Training Effect on Oxygen Uptake Oxygen Uptake Kinetics: Training Effect on Oxygen Uptake I. Introduction Respiration can be divided into two categories. Respiration may occur at the cellular level where oxygen is taken up in the mitochondrion and used to oxidize fuels or respiration can occur as gas exchange between the environment and the mitochondrion. The cellular respiration may be referred to as internal whereas gas exchange from the lung to tissue maybe referred to as external respiration (Mines 1993) The oxygen uptake ââ¬â oxygen utilization system can be considered to start at the lungs and terminate in the mitochondrion, being joined by the blood. This may be seen as linking the lung and the muscle via the blood, Figure 1 ( The coupling of the uptake-utilization system can be further elucidated by outlining the oxygen cascade, figure 2, which links the lung to the muscle through the blood i.e. the respiratory, circulatory and metabolic systems. Figure 2. Oxygen pressure profile from the environment to the mitochondrion. ( The PO2 (partial pressure of Oxygen) can be calculated by multiplying Pb x FO2 (Pb = 760 mmHg) and the lowering of the components may lower the maximal VO2 (Mines 93). The PO2 from the trachea to the mitochondria decrease due to water vapour pressure, ventilation/perfusion mismatch, diffusion difficulties, right to left shunt and cellular uptake with the lowest PO2 being in the mitochondrion ( about 2mmHg). In the mitochondrion oxygen is used to oxidise hydrogen ions and carbon ions to water and carbon dioxide, respectively. This being the ultimate purpose of the oxygen delivery system (Mines 93). VO2 kinetics is dependent on cardiac output and arterio-venous oxygen difference and is represented by the equation below also called Ficks Law VO2 = Q (Ca O2 ââ¬â Cv 02) Q= cardiac output (Stroke volume x heart rate) Ca 02= concentration of Oxygen in arterial blood Cv O2= concentration of oxygen in venous blood Ca 02 ââ¬â Cv 02 = represents the oxygen extraction and consumption at the tissues Varying any of the components of the equation may also vary the oxygen uptake kinetics. The diffusion (and maybe uptake) of any gas across a barrier Figure 3, can also be described using Grahams Law: V = D A (P1 ââ¬â P2) / T V=volume flow of gas D= constant solubility A = Area of diffusion P1 and P2 = partial pressure of gas on each side of the barrier Figure 3. The alveolar-capillary membrane. Oxygen must transverse some distance to reach the blood cell ( This paper will try to shed some light on oxygen uptake kinetics, describing the various components of uptake and how oxygen kinetics are influenced by various intensities of exercise. Also, the various mechanisms of oxygen uptake as well as differences in different populations will be reviewed. The paper focuses on the training effect on oxygen uptake.à II. Oxygen Uptake Kinetics A. Description: Oxygen uptake kinetics can be explained as all those processes involved in the taking of oxygen from the lung and delivering it to the mitochondrion where it is consumed by the working muscle. Figure 4 illustrates the various components of the uptake curve. VO2 kinetics for moderate exercise can be described as a monoexponetial curve with first order dynamics that rises to some steady state. Figure 4. VO2 uptake versus time. EPOC is Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption or Oxygen Debt ( B. Importance of Oxygen uptake kinetics Understanding the link between lung, blood and tissues and how oxygen passes through each compartment, may provide some insight to improve diffusion, delivery and utilization fo oxygen to enhance performance. The uptake kinetics, once understood, may provide sports medicine scientists with a tool to help sick children, patients, and athletes to modify or enhance their performance. Analysis for the time course to steady state and the various factors which affect it can be correlated with various populations to help determine how these factors can be manipulated. C. Three phases of oxygen uptake kinetics: Phases 1 and 2 can be considered to be dynamic whereas phase 3 to be steady state. Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Figure 5, Three phases of Oxygen uptake ( 1. Phase 1: This initial, immediate phase is called the cardio-dynamic phase as many researchesr (Whipp et al 82 and Sietsema 92) have noted that this phase is due to increased pulmonary blood flow rather than changes in arterio ââ¬â venous difference. In this phase, mixed venous gas tensions have not changes and closely approximates the time required for metabolites released from the exercising muscles to reach the lungs (Whipp et al 82). The time course of this phase is between 15 ââ¬â 20 seconds (Sietsema 92) and may show an abrupt response, from rest to work, or relatively slower response, from mild exercise to work (Whipp et al 82). 2. Phase 2: This more gradual phase or rapid component is due to the changing kinetics of cellular metabolism and a further increase in pulmonary blood flow (Whipp et al 1980). This phase represents the slower exponential rise to steady state with a time course of 1.5 ââ¬â 2 min (Linnarson 74) and a fall in the VCO2/VO2 ratio is an indicator for the beginning of phase 2 (Sietsema et al 86). 3. Phase 3: This phase represents the steady state or slow component where oxygen delivery equals oxygen utilization (Sietsema 92), also, Wasserman et al 1967, indicates that a true steady state is not achieved until the concentration of lactate becomes constant. The steady state is reached an about 3 min after the onset of exercise (Diamond et al 1977). D. Oxygen uptake at various intensities of exercise 1. Onset of exercise At the onset of exercise there is an almost parallel increase in cardiac output which leads to increased pulmonary blood flow and rate of pulmonary gas exchange (Whipp and Mahler 1980). Due to stored oxygen and carbon dioxide in the muscle and the venous blood, the rate of pulmonary gas exchange doesnââ¬â¢t equal that in the tissues before reaching the steady state. (Whipp and Mahler 1980). Whipp and Mahler 1980 also indicate that the coupled system is not perfect in that their exists a time delay between gas exchange in the muscle and it expression at the lung and that the VO2 at the mouth may not reflect what happening in the muscle in the first few seconds of exercise. The rate of gas exchange depending on a. Responses of cardiac and pulmonary blood flow to exercise b. Metabolic change dynamics c. Wash in and wash out of gases in body stores 2. Moderate Exercise Moderate is defined as being sub maximal or oxygen uptake less the anaerobic threshold (a VO2 above which there is sustained increase in blood lactate or carbon dioxide output secondary to bicarbonate buffing of lactic acid). In this intensity of exercise, VO2 rises to steady state by a monoexponential (first order) time course and VO2 steady state increases proportionally to the work rate (Whipp and Mahler 1980). At this intensity ADP accumulates and there is increased glycogen breakdown (Astrand et al 1977) 3. Heavy Exercise This intensity is described as VO2 between the anaerobic threshold, AT, and VO2 max, figure 5. With work intensities above the AT, blood lactate begins to play a role in oxygen uptake kinetics making it more complicated, needing a slow and fast component to describe the response ( Whipp and Mahler 1980 and Whipp et al 1982), the dynamics of which could be described as second order (Linnarson 1974). Whipp and Mahler also indicate that the greater the increase in lactate, the larger is the proportionate contribution of the slower component, and that the time constant is prolonged at this intensity (Linnarson 1974). With heavy exercise and the production of lactate, VO2 continues to rise beyond 3 minutes, the VO2 drift as Casaburi et al 1987 calls it. Severe exercise allows high blood lactate from the anaerobic system to be reached until the exercise becomes unbearable (Whipp and Mahler 1980). Whipp 1972, shows that the time to steady state greatly increases with increasing work rates above the AT. Figure 5, Oxygen uptake at various intensities of exercise ( III. Training Effect on Oxygen Uptake It is a known fact that training improves body performance in some way. Endurance athletes also tend to have greater VO2 due to improved cardiac output and greater arterio-venous differences. Hickson et al 1978 reports a faster rate of VO2 to attaining steady state in the trained than in the untrained state. This indicates that trained individuals reach steady state faster than non trained individuals. Hickson et al also indicates that VO2 time course is determined not only by relative work but also by the level of training. Zhang et al 1991, also found that VO2 kinetics are slower in less fit subjects and Whipp and Wasserman also confirm that VO2 kinetics are faster in more fit individuals. Zhang et al. suggest that a faster kinetics may indicate that in fit subjects the aerobic ATP flux is greater that the anaerobic ATP flux. Casaburi et al 1987 and Yoshida 91, have shown that blood lactate levels can be decreased with endurance training and also suggest that lactate can be correlated to the delayed rise in VO2 (the Vo2 drift). The increase in muscle mitochondria with endurance training may be a factor in improving oxygen uptake kinetics. Biochemical adaptations that occur in the muscle, such as increased mitochondrion size, number and increased capacity for oxidation may increase oxygen uptake kinetics (Girandola 73) which plays a role in uptake kinetics. Berry 1985 indicates that there is an increased capillary density and fiber area with training which may improve oxygen kinetics. One point that Berry 1985 makes is that interval training and steady state training both decrease the time constant, but interval training was found to have a greater effect on the time constant. A. Oxygen uptake in trained athletes differing in VO2 max Those individuals with a higher VO2 max are also found to reach a steady state faster when work is held constant, that is, the lower the VO2 max then the longer time needed for VO2 to reach steady state. Powers et al 1985 indicate that in highly trained individuals with similar training habits, those with a higher VO2 max may achieve a more rapid VO2 adjustment at the onset of work; also, it seems possible that a larger aerobic capacity could contribute to either a more rapid oxygen transport or a higher rate of utilization B. The influence of endurance training on mitochondrial oxygen consumption Michail al 2000, conclude that short term training increases maximal mitochondrial oxidative power in human skeletal muscle, whereas the efficiency of aerobic energy production remains unchanged. Michail T et al 2000, also indicate that muscle antioxidative defense systems were unaffected by training, but there was an increase in mitochondrial content. Endurance training increased peak pulmonary O2 uptake by 24 % and maximal ADP-stimulated mitochondrial oxygen consumption by 40 % (Michail et al 2000) C. Effect of Interval training (IT) versus continuous training on mitochondrial functions: Frà ©dà ©ric N. Daussin et al 2008 showed that a constant workload and O2 uptake during CT induces a higher increase of muscular capillary density than IT. Only high and fluctuating workload and O2uptake during IT improve skeletal muscle mitochondrial function, which seems to be crucial in increasing VÃÅ'â⬠¡O2kinetics, and VÃÅ'â⬠¡O2max, even if both training programs resulted in the same global energy expenditure and training duration IV. Conclusions In conclusion, oxygen uptake kinetics describes the processes that occur at the lung, in the blood and in the muscle to ultimately oxidize fuels into water and carbon dioxide. These systems are intimately linked together and it is the job of sports medicine scientists to identify the various factors and limitations that govern VO2 kinetics. This paper reviews background information on oxygen uptake kinetics with focus on training effect on uptake. VO2 kinetics can be described for moderate intensity, constant load work, as a monoexponential curve to some steady state, the dynamic non steady state being referred to as Phase 1 and 2 while phase 3 being the steady state. The duration of each phase, and hence oxygen kinetics, is influenced by intensity of exercise (light, moderate or heavy) and the duration of exercise. The mechanisms that govern may be peripheral, those processes that involve uptake and utilization in the muscle, or central, those processes in the respiratory and circulatory compartment and everywhere else in the body. The creatine phosphate shuttle hypothesis is the closest to resemble the VO2 kinetics and may be a major player in the VO2 game. VO2 kinetics is seen to be slowed in cardiac and pulmonary disease patients and these individuals are overall limited in the exercise they can do. When prescribing exercise, VO2 kinetics analysis maybe helpful as an indicator of the ââ¬Å"fitness ââ¬Å"of the system and hence which sports are more suitable. From the discussion in the previous sections, it is seen that training may affect mechanisms of VO2. It is known that cardiac output (i.e. stroke vol. X HR), and capillarity are increased with endurance training. These are the central limitations. Also training may affect peripheral limitations, by increasing the size and number of mitochondrion and hence metabolic and oxygen capacities. The increased extraction of oxygen and the increased cardiac output both increase VO2. Since increased exercise increases mitochondrion respiration this may decrease production of lactate which may decrease VO2 drift. Correlating mechanisms with different populations, it can be seen that pulmonary and cardiac patients have lower V02 max and therefore lower VO2. Heart disease also decreases cardiac output and this leads to decreased capacity to deal with metabolic needs. These patients are also limited by oxygen transport and blood flow changes. In the older population ( 60 + years old), kinetics are usually somewhat slower but with physical training the kinetics become faster and are comparable to those of young fit individuals (Babcock et al 1994) References / Bibliography Astrand PO, Rodahl K 1977. Texbook of work physiology. McGraw Hill, New York Babcock MA, Paterson DH, and Cunningham, 1994. Effects of Aerobic endurance training on gas exchange kinetics of older men. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Vol 26, No 4, 447 452 Berry M, Moritani T, 1985. The effects of various training intensities on the kinetics of oxygen consumption. J Sports Med. 25: 77-83 Diamond LB, Casaburi R, Wasserman K, Whipp BJ 1977. Kinetics of gas exchange and ventilation in transitions from rest to prior exercise. J. Appl Physiol 43: 704-708 Hickson, R.,H. 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